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Net Hunter IP

Developers: Mitsubishi Electric
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2010
Last Release Date: December, 2010
Technology: Video surveillance systems

The Mitsubishi Electric company developed the Net Hunter IP program allowing to create hybrid video surveillance systems using analog and the IP equipment for objects of different scale.

The Net Hunter IP program represents the one-server management system for IP cameras, network video writer devices of NVR and DVR of production Mitsubishi Electric providing full-function management of all functions of a system through user-friendly interfaces.

Application of the program will be most effective if as the writer device to use NVR of Mitsubishi DX-NV100E – network Stand Alone the video recorder. In this case, the program of video surveillance allows to create video systems of any scale by simple connection of IP devices in a single network of Ethernet, to distribute IP cameras on 16-channel NVR, far off to perform starting tuning of video recorders, etc.

The client-server software platform of Net Hunter IP is capable to integrate on network unlimited number of cameras, NVR and DVR in a system with management from the uniform server, and its architecture supports configurations with unlimited number of client stations in a system. The program of video surveillance works under Windows and provides a possibility of the centralized and local video monitoring. At the same time, for small video systems the option of installation of both the server, and client Net Hunter IP software applications on the same PC is possible.

Besides, Net Hunter IP provides quick access and full-fledged remote control with video recorders, record in MPEG-4 format, watching the current and archive video, creation of graphic cards of an object, control of PTZ cameras and also response to alarms, search in a videoarchive and export of videos.

Net Hunter IP v 2.2

To software of Net Hunter IP v 2.2 it is intended for systems management of video surveillance of local and geographically distributed objects. The new software supports work with Mitsubishi IP devices and other producers, including with the cameras Smartec NEYRO with video analytics, and allows to use any analog cameras connected to network via the Mitsubishi NM-VS100 video server in the video system. Software of Net Hunter IP has architecture "client-server" provides remote configuring of the equipment, record of video with the resolution up to 3 Mpx in H.264 and MPEG-4 formats, watching the current and archive video, creation of graphic cards of an object, control of PTZ cameras and also response to alarms, search in a videoarchive and export of videos.

The Net Hunter IP v 2.2 software package consists of 3 applications: Server for configuring of the equipment and system management of video surveillance (up to 32 channels on the server), NVVR for record of video and Client for local and remote work with current/archive video content. The client-server architecture of Net Hunter allows to manage the local or distributed hybrid/IP-video system, provides a connectivity of unlimited number of client jobs and provides flexible expansibility of a security video complex by adding of the new equipment. As a core of a video surveillance system it is the software allows to use Stand Alone registrars NVR Mitsubishi DX-NV100E, at the same time record of video from any IP cameras on NVR does not require licensing.

The intuitive interface software allows to display basic functions, such as "Live", "Playback", "Events", etc., in the form of evident icons, and to execute the most part of transactions by means of "mouse". For example, the software gives to the operator an opportunity to manage far off PTZ functions of rotary cameras: regulate a zoom lens zoom, appoint and change presets and "rounds" of patrol. Also perhaps remote control each DVR in a system. For convenience of monitoring of events watching video from cameras can be performed on 4 monitors at the same time, including in the multiscreen mode and also to bring the image to videowalls which can be connected both to the server, and to client PCs.

The open Net Hunter IP platform allows to create based on this software of a video surveillance system using the equipment both the Mitsubishi brand, and other producers. In particular, IP devices Axis Communication, Pelco, Sanyo Electric, etc. are integrated into this software. Moreover, Net Hunter v 2.2 supports all functions of IP cameras and the Smartec video servers of the NEYRO series with the video analytics developed by the English company VCA Technology. Implementation of the joint solution Mitsubishi and Smartec expands the potential of the security video system at the expense of a possibility of application of the advanced analysis algorithms of video, including detection and classification of objects/people, the "admissible" and "inadmissible" direction of their movement, classification of objects by the size and speed, etc.

Support of three-dimensional graphic maps of an object on which all elements of a system are displayed (IP cameras, video servers, etc.) considerably simplifies work of the operator of the IP video system, giving flexible opportunities to navigation. At the same time it is possible to add the new camera, "having just dragged" a mouse her icon on the card and having turned in the necessary direction. To get remote access to the analog camera connected to the digital video recorder it is enough to select of it with the cursor of a mouse and to click "Remote Control". Then the software will display on the GUI monitor screen the interface representing the full-fledged DVR front panel via which the operator will be able to exercise control of any surveillance camera as if it was just before the video recorder.

Operational informing the operator on alarms in the software system Net Hunter IP of version 2.2 can perform using the "disturbing monitor" function. In this case the text message which is displayed the monitor allows to draw attention of the operator to a disturbing event and remains active within one minute. Besides, the software allows to configure other algorithms of reaction to alarms, including record of video on the disturbing channel with the preset image parameters. Also Net Hunter IP keeps the event log on separate devices, provides automatic recording of data on an event and text comments on it and also export of the event log from software and import to a set of applications, in particular Microsoft® Excel, with preserving of information for further use.

Record and export of a video information is conducted using virtual control panels of the Mitsubishi program. Users with the appropriate rights have access to "live"/archive video, at this Net Hunter IP v 2.2 supports different write modes of video data, both on hard drives of the registrar, and on NVVR, including manual record, round-the-clock, on disturbing events and also according to the schedule, the detector of the movement, etc. The new software also provides transfer of video data into external network storages SAN and NAS. For the accelerated search of necessary information in archive the program of video surveillance allows the operator to use as traditional search functions to which the time line and fast rewind, and the Instant Search mode for exact search of video fragments in dates and time belong.