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AngioVac (blood clot removal device)

Developers: AngioDynamics
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2023
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2023: Product Announcement

On August 15, 2023, the company AngioDynamics announced the AngioVac system, designed for non-surgical removal blood clots from the right departments. hearts

AngioVac is an aspiration system that uses a venous drainage cannula to remove blood clots or embols during extracorporeal bypass surgery of up to six hours. The solution makes it possible to remove blood clots and embolic material, minimizing blood loss due to the recirculation of blood through the veno-venous bypass circuit. Target vessels include, but are not limited to, the iliofemoral vein, inferior vena cava, and superior vena cava.

AngioDynamics announces AngioVac system designed to non-surgically remove blood clots from right heart

It is noted that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has assigned the AngioVac system the designation "Breakthrough Device." This means that the novelty is able to provide more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases and conditions for which there are no alternative methods of therapy.

The AngioVac system is a loop with two large diameter catheters connected to a centrifugal pump. One of the catheters with a funnel-shaped tip is directed to a thrombus, after which it is aspirated into a cardiopulmonary pump. The blood clot is held inside the pump and the aspirated blood is returned to the patient through a second venous catheter. A requirement for effective operation of the AngioVac system is the presence of a perfusiologist who must maintain pump operation during thrombus aspiration.

Recognizing AngioVac and its potential as an innovative method for the non-surgical removal of blood clots from the right heart represents an important step towards improving patient care, "said Jim Clemmer, President and CEO of AngioDynamics.[1]
