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Korus Consulting introduces K-Team intranet for Innostage

Customers: InnoSTage (Innostage)

Kazan; Information Technology

Contractors: Corus Consulting
Product: Korus Consulting: K-Team

Project date: 2023/01  - 2023/07

2023: Implementation of the K-Team platform

The Korus Consulting Group of Companies team has implemented the K-Team platform for Innostage in a month. The solution helped to combine services from different IT systems on one site, create digital workplaces for employees, register an understandable organizational structure, establish internal communication and launch a transformation of corporate culture. Corus Consulting announced this on August 30, 2023.

Before the transition to the K-Team corporate portal, the company lacked a single digital space for informing and working employees. At the same time, the knowledge base was organized on the solution of the Western vendor, who limited the service of users from Russia in 2022. In addition, not all employees used the existing service due to the lack of attractive design and convenient functionality. Another problem was that corporate news reached the team with a delay of a month. Information was sent by e-mail in digest format, and during the preparation of the distribution, messages often lost their relevance.

KORUS Consulting specialists launched MVP in a month - they set up a presentation of the organizational structure, news and created a platform for a showcase of services. For three months, the customer's team tested the intranet - collecting statistics and training employees to use the portal. In the future, based on feedback, they added functionality: gamification with a prize store, an Impact LMS training module, an office map and job reservations.

The introduction of the intranet launched a change in corporate culture: people began to get to know each other better, send thanks to colleagues for help and get more involved in the life of the company. One of the most anticipated wow modules is workplace booking, which was implemented in a single interface using a visual office map. Now you can quickly find a full name employee, find out what the name of the neighbor is, and from which department he is, "said Anastasia Kupriyanova, operating director of Innostage.

The intranet for Innostage is being implemented in stages. Now the corporate portal already has an organizational structure, a gift store, news, a personal account, vacancies and much more. By the end of 2023, we plan to introduce modules for adapting, assessing personnel using the 360 method and a knowledge base that will allow us to organize convenient storage of corporate documents. The employee's personal account will be finalized so that it is possible to easily and automatically collect a vacation schedule for the company, track the employee's status, see their KPIs and control the dynamics of tasks - said Anton Bobrov, director of the corporate services department of Korus Consulting Group of Companies.