Customers: Vyborg Shipyard Vyborg; MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Contractors: Business of Technology Product: Global-SalaryProject date: 2005/11
Prerequisites of the Project
Since the beginning of 2005 the management of JSC Vyborg Shipyard was faced the need of the organization of work of a number of departments and services for a common information space. First of all it was caused by plans for increase in efficiency of work of services, need for business process optimization and also the general concept of implementation of the latest technologies at the enterprise. The previous software could not satisfy to the increasing needs for systematization of accounting and management. Support of the previous software based on low technologies was also not reasonable. Thus, the decision on transition to the new information management system by personnel and payroll was made.
Search and the choice of a new information system took place within several months and came to the end with agreement signature on automation using the Global "Salary and Personnel Management" System (Global-HRM and Global-Salary). System implementation at the enterprise was made by forces of Business of Technology Company
Project Results
Within a problem of formalization and optimization of a personnel management system, during system implementation of Global the following events were held:
- Tools for work with a talent pool at the enterprise are developed and configured in a system;
- Business process on adaptation of the employees who arrived to work to Vyborg from other cities is analyzed and formalized in a system;
- The system of notifications of staff of service of personnel allowing to trace the departing employees who are not fulfilling obligations for working off on agreements is customized (to student's agreements, loan agreements, agreements on adaptation);
- Tools for work on accounting of results of personel assessment, selection of personnel are developed and configured in a system;
- A large number of analytical and statistic reports is developed;
- Activity of bureau of training (certification and training of employees) is automated
Global which are carried out during system implementation (a circuit Personnel management) works allowed:
- Increase the methodological potential of staff of service of personnel management in the field of assessment and promotion of personnel;
- To timely reveal and analyze the reasons of dismissals of specialists and by that to lower a staff turnover at the enterprise.
- Automate process of certification of the personnel
- Automate planning and accounting of personnel training (preparation, advanced training, admittance of students on practice);
- Increase efficiency of human resources managers due to automation of obtaining the operational and authentic reporting under personnel including on the system of notifications;
- Automate document flow between bureau of training and settlement bureau (sheets on payment for internal training are entered by the staff of bureau of training into the system and take part in payroll)