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SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces)



Main article: Syria


2023: Arab tribal uprising against SDF Kurds in Zaeufratia

The trigger of the conflict in the summer of 2023 was the detention by the Kurds of fighters of the Deir Ezzor Military Council in July, after which its leader Ahmed al-Habil rebelled. Then the clashes were stopped, but on August 27, the Kurds lured and arrested Al-Habil in Hasek. The units subordinate to him rebelled and began to attack the SDS posts.

At the beginning of September, Arab tribes drove the Kurds out of a dozen settlements in Zaefratiya, and local residents support the speeches. In the north of the country, pro-Turkish groups are also attacking the positions of the Kurds near Manbij in order to prevent them from transferring reinforcements to the rebellious region.

The SDS began to recapture the lost settlements, and they are supported by American aviation.


2017: The left bank of the Euphrates comes under SDF control. The Arrival of the Kurds

In 2017, the left bank of the Euphrates came under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDS) as a result of the collapse of IS in eastern Syria. Kurdish detachments came to the territory with the Arab population, which local tribes consider strangers.

To reduce friction, joint Arab-Kurdish administrations were established in Zaeufratiya with US support. Tribal militias became part of the SDF under the auspices of the Deir Ezzor Military Council, led by Rashid Abu Hawla (Ahmed al-Habil), an enterprising ex-IS militant.

But tensions only grew: the Kurds regularly detained disloyal residents under the pretext of "fighting IS cells." At the same time, Al-Habil, using the patronage of the United States, put extortions on the stream, and his subordinates became involved in high-profile crimes, wrote the Rybar channel.