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Them Engineering Services



Financial results
2022 year
Revenue: 1.06 millions Ths. rub
Net Profit: -69 millions Ths. rub


2023: Alexander Govor bought Them Engineering Services

In mid-September 2023, it became known that the owner of the Vkusno - and Point cafe chain, Alexander Govor, acquired 100% of the Moscow company Im Engineering Services LLC, which specializes in developing computer software. Information about the change of ownership of the IT company is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

LLC "Im Engineering Services" was registered in 2016, revenue under RAS in 2018-2021 ranged from 1.2 billion rubles to 1.5 billion rubles (in 2022 - 1.06 billion rubles), net profit - from 71 million rubles to 162 million rubles (in 2022 the company received a loss of 69 million rubles under RAS).

Alexander Govor

In addition to software development, They Engineering Services manufactures and sells computers and peripheral equipment. The company was previously owned by Dutch Ingram Micro Global Services B.V. (owned 99%) and Ingram Micro Europe B.V. (1%).

According to Interfax, Ingram Micro, a large international IT distributor, has not yet publicly announced its withdrawal from Russian business. This is a private company, it owns the Platinum Equity investment fund, which in 2021 paid more than $7 billion for Ingram Micro to the previous owner, Chinese HNA Technology.

Alexander Govor became known for buying a McDonald's restaurant chain, the brand left Russia in connection with a special operation in Ukraine. He opened the first cafe "Tasty and the Point" on June 12, 2022. The establishments of the new network retained the menu of their predecessor with the exception of some items, as well as service standards.[1]
