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First Bit automated work with personal protective equipment at the Group Atlantic Teplyux plant

Customers: Group Atlantic Teplolux

Mytishchi; Electrical and Microelectronics

Contractors: First Bit
Product: First Bit: BIT.

Project date: 2023/02  - 2023/08

2023: Automation of personal protective equipment

First Bit on September 26, 2023 announced that he had automated work with three thousand units of personal protective equipment at the Group Atlantic Teplyux plant. The purchase, issuance and registration of personal protective equipment and overalls under the new rules is fully automated.

On September 1, new Rules for providing employees with personal protective equipment and flushing equipment, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of 29.10.2021 No. 766n and Uniform Standard Standards for Issuing PPE, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of 29.10.2021 No. 767n, came into force.

As of September 2023, more than 400 employees work at the plant, each of whom is provided with personal protective equipment. In total, the company stores and uses about three thousand units of PPE, which were registered manually. Because of this, there was no understanding of the current balances in the warehouse and the ability to form a correct request for their purchase. Therefore, there were often situations when unrealized PPE remained in the warehouse, which were simply stored until the expiration date, and then written off.

The specialists of the project office at Paveletskaya IT integrator "First Bit" conducted a complete survey of the plant's IT systems and recommended the solution of its own development BITS.Z. This is an extension for the program "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2," which has already been implemented in the company as the main accounting system.

Thanks to the introduction of BITS.IZ, the plant fully complies with the orders of the Ministry of Labor. The company excluded unnecessary costs for the purchase of PPE and buys only what is prescribed to it according to the standards. Information for the order is generated automatically based on the presence of balances in the warehouse. The period of approval of documents for the purchase and issuance of PPE is now reduced to the formation of a report and takes several seconds. Previously, they spent up to two days on this.