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The first in Russia Forum of Ray dedicated to the problem of infertility will be held in Moscow

29.09.23, 16:05, Msk

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 9 [1] to 29% of married couples face infertility in our country. However, modern medicine has learned to deal with this problem effectively. On October 28, at the Ray Forum , people who want to become parents will have a unique opportunity to learn about the achievements of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in just one day, communicate with doctors and experts, get advice from specialists from the clinics they like and psychological support.


The Rey Forum is organized by the authors of the Reya Reproductive Health Media "For several years, our team has been studying women's health and human reproduction from a variety of aspects," comments Tatiana Pechurko, CEO of the project. - During this time, on the basis of the project, a community of qualified doctors, experts, scientists has developed who are deeply versed in the topic of fertility and readily share their expertise with our readers. Now we are taking the next step in the development of the project - we invite people to the platform of the Ray Forum who personally faced the problem of infertility, but did not lose hope of becoming parents. We hope that they will be inspired by the experience of families who nevertheless were able to give birth to a child with the help of modern ART, and the consultations of the best doctors in this area will help to form a specific action plan "

Who will be interested in the Ray Forum?

The event is intended primarily for those couples who have been officially diagnosed with infertility. They will receive comprehensive information about what the modern one has to offer them: medicine from IVF to surrogacy and the use of donor materials. The forum will also be useful for those who are just approaching the topic of parenthood and want to learn about, for example, how to prepare for childbirth in late life or how to check the genetic compatibility of partners.

Leading Russian clinics specializing in the treatment of infertility will be presented at the forum site. This is a kind of "Open Day" for families who do not have the time or opportunity to spend days and weeks visiting each medical facility separately. During the forum, a "Free Consultation Zone" will be organized, where you can freely communicate with doctors, experts, psychologists.

What will happen in the program?

The organizers of the forum also prepared a business program: participants are waiting for more than 35 lectures on family planning, male and female health, genetics, donor biomaterials, adoption psychology, OMS fertility treatment and other issues.

"We designed the programme in a way that included more discussion topics, looking at infertility from different angles and perspectives. Our experts will talk, for example, about ways to increase the effectiveness of IVF, oncopertility, genetics to reduce risks, moral and legal aspects of surrogacy and much more, compulsory medical insurance programs. Be sure to present real cases of those who have already passed the IVF path and can share their experience, "Tatiana Pechurko notes.

At the same time, absolutely all reports meet the requirements of evidence-based medicine, checked by members of the Interdisciplinary Clinical Association of Reproductive Medicine and the medical editor of the media on reproductive health Reya!

How can I take part in the forum?

To attend the Ray Forum, you must rec634005309 purchase a ticket. You can choose from two participation formats:

  • Visit to the exhibition "Free Consultation Zone." Participants will have the opportunity to communicate with all the experts of the event and consult them in the booth area to choose the right clinic and doctor. Three coffee breaks await them during the day.

  • Visiting the lecture program and exhibition "Free Consultation Zone." Participants will be able to attend lectures and discussions in three halls, communicate with all the event experts at their stands, and receive consultations. Separately, for two months, they will be given access to the recording of all performances. During the day, participants will have three coffee breaks, as well as gifts from forum partners.

Where and when will the Ray Forum take place?

The event will be held on October 28 at the Congress Center of Sechenov University. The program of the Forum of Ray is supplemented by new speakers and topics of reports, so follow the current changes on the official rec634005309 website of the Forum and in the Telegram channel of Ray.