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2023:75% of the company sold for 85 million rubles

On July 13, 2023, the Administration of the city of Vologda during an electronic auction sold 75% of the authorized capital of the Vologdafarm pharmacy chain. The deal became known a few months later - in September 2023.

Vologdafarm LLC is a network of pharmacies in which 100% of the authorized capital is the property of the municipality. The decision to partially sell will be explained by the fact that in 2022 Vologdafarm sharply reduced the financial and economic indicators for the main type of activity. In early May 2023, Deputy Mayor of Vologda Roman Trikoz said that the company's activities require modernization, but the city does not have the opportunity to invest in property development.

Vologda administration sold 75% of Vologdafarm
It was decided to put up for privatization a share in the amount of 75% of the authorized capital, retaining 25% in urban ownership. This will make it possible to attract an investor for the development of a network of pharmacies, the introduction of new work formats in demand today, "Trikoz said.

According to the information on the site of the GIS "Torga," the initial cost of the lot was 82,692,000 rubles. The buyer was the Alpari cargo carrier, which offered 85,172,760 rubles for the asset. Thus, the rate from the original cost of the contract was increased by 2,480,760 rubles.

The Vologda administration intends to direct the funds received to resolve housing issues of citizens, including the resettlement of people from dilapidated and emergency housing. At the same time, while retaining a share of participation in the Vologdafarm structure, the city will be able to control the company's policy in socially significant issues: this, in particular, the production of extemporal drugs, participation in the Caring projects, the Vologda Resident Card, etc.

In addition, leaving behind a share of participation, the city will be able to claim to receive part of the profit in the budget, "Tricose added.[1]
