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We (social rating system)

Developers: Russian State Social University (RSSU)
Date of the premiere of the system: October 2023
Branches: Internet services


2024: System Launch

In early July 2024, the Russian State Social University announced the launch of the online platform "We," designed to assess the social status of citizens. This social scoring project allows users to obtain an objective assessment of their current achievements and development potential.

According to TASS, the platform offers to undergo a short anonymous questionnaire, which takes about three minutes. Based on the information received, a chart is formed reflecting the areas of activity in which a person has achieved the greatest success, as well as areas with the potential for further growth. Service link.

Jomart Aliyev, First Vice-Rector of the Russian State Social University, noted: "The further development of the platform will allow comparing its indicators with the data of other" digital counterparts "by age, education, region." Aliyev also stressed that the accumulation of an array of data in the future will make it possible to draw important conclusions of a social nature regarding the education system, the labor market and social benefits.

The Russian State Social University continues to work on the project and is already carefully developing an expanded version of the We online platform, which will offer users specific development options to improve their social forecast. This innovation is designed to become an effective tool for the personal and professional growth of citizens.

It is important to note that the use of the online platform is completely free and voluntary. Users can remain anonymous using aliases when passing the survey. This approach ensures the confidentiality of personal data and contributes to more honest and objective results.[1]

2023: Ranking Development

The Russian State Social University (RSSU) has developed a social rating system called "We" by analogy with the technology implemented in China. The university told about this in early October 2023.

By this time, the We platform is being tested. The first users of the test version of the program were university students. The authors of the project propose to link the scoring code (social rating) with personal data such as SNILS, TIN, passport and phone number.

Draft rating

Test participants must answer questions about various aspects of their lives, including education, having children, sources of income, benefits, financial debt, criminal record, participation in public life, state awards, and language proficiency.

The system will constitute not only the current merits of a person, but also take into account his prospects, that is, the likelihood and readiness of the person to support state initiatives in the interests of the country.

According to the creators, the Output system will be released in the form of a two-component scoring code (SC), where both components will be two-bit numbers that determine the social status of a person (the first) and his social level (the second). For example, 47-29. Social status is a reflection of a kind of merit of a person, and social level is digitization, as it were, of his prospects.

Earlier, the social rating system was launched at the state level in China. There, citizens are awarded points for charity work, political loyalty and other criteria. Low-ranked Chinese may be restricted by certain rights and opportunities.

The creators of the Russian system are going to offer it to banks, governors and the state as a whole. The platform "We" is already available at the#/registration link - users are offered to enter all the data about themselves, including a copy of the passport.[2]
