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Nuos Extreme 2

Developers: Nuos
Date of the premiere of the system: October 2023
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2023: Points Announcement

On October 4, 2023, the Canadian company Nuro announced the release of the Nuos Extreme 2 complex, which allows completely paralyzed people to communicate with the outside world and interact with computer devices. The solution, in particular, can be used by seriously ill patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) - an ailment suffered by theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking.

ALS is a progressive incurable degenerative disease of the central nervous system in which both upper and lower motor neurons are affected, leading to paralysis and subsequent muscle atrophy. In the initial stage of the disease, smaller muscles of the hands and feet can be affected. Weakness and immobilization then spreads to other muscles in the limbs and trunk. It is such an ailment that the 17-year-old girl Jay from Chicago suffers: she completely lost the opportunity to move and communicate with others. The Nuos Extreme 2 complex allowed it to partially restore communication functions when other methods, such as eye interaction, turned out to be powerless.

Nuos Extreme 2

The Nuos Extreme 2 system includes glasses with special neurological sensors and a companion app for an Android smartphone. Sensors read brain signals, and the program interprets the data. As a result, Jay was able to communicate with others, control the playback of media files, etc.

Nuro emphasizes that the system does not require surgery, calibration and complex pre-training. The solution is suitable for people with severe neurological diseases, as well as patients who have suffered a stroke or suffered from serious traumatic brain injuries. Nuos Extreme 2 is an affordable alternative to eye tracking systems or any invasive neurosurgical procedure.[1]
