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The main problems which transport companies face: first of all, it is geographical distribution and absence on remote platforms of IT personnel. Besides, rather high mobility of users is characteristic of the companies of this sector. Transport business demands from IT of implementation of the new systems to deadlines. A considerable part of these difficulties can be solved by means of virtualization of applications when data and applications are stored, processed and controlled from the protected data center. The choice of technology of virtualization depends on a number of factors. Among them it is possible to call features of applications – resource intensity, work speed, load of network and so on. Certainly, IT infrastructure, including existence of remote platforms, communication channels, servers of support of infrastructure, the technical policy of the company has influence. And of course, at choice of technology of virtualization users make impact – what applications they use with what frequency, etc. The effective tool is virtualization of a data storage space – the organization of uniform access point to data for information systems. It allows: optimize information storage cost, exclude dependence on specific features of the equipment, reduce the recovery time and upgrades of systems.