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MTUSI and FCMN FMBA of Russia: AI for rehabilitation of stroke patients

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI), FSBI FCMN FMBA of Russia - Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies
Date of the premiere of the system: 2023/10/23
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

The main articles are:

2023: Introducing AI to rehabilitate stroke survivors

Scientists from MTUSI and the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies proposed using artificial intelligence and vision technologies to rehabilitate patients after a stroke. According to them, the development is especially relevant for remote areas of Russia, where rehabilitation centers are far from patients. MTUSI announced this on October 23, 2023.

About half a million people suffer a stroke each year, after which 31% of patients require outside help to take care of themselves, while 20% are deprived of the opportunity to walk on their own. The disease imposes special obligations on the family members of the patient and falls on a severe socio-economic pregnancy on the whole society.

A team from MTUSI and the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology is developing a "virtual trainer" with artificial intelligence, assessing the quality of exercise and developing the patient's confidence in his abilities, a responsible attitude to the activities carried out for rehabilitation. The corresponding device is provided for temporary use, which significantly reduces the cost of billing after a stroke.

As of October 2023, work is underway to create a system that will allow using AI to track the correctness of patients' exercises, permissible deviations, training time and other parameters. The development is applicable at the 3rd stage of rehabilitation, - explained the head of the TsTT MTUSI Bogdan Ragulin.

The system is deployed on almost any home computer and will have constant communication with the attending physician. The program part is a set of exercises with an assessment of the correctness of their implementation. A medical specialist draws up an individual rehabilitation program.

To work "virtual coach" you need a computer with Internet access. In addition, it is planned to use a central computer combined with the clinic's information system to summarize information for each patient and track the dynamics of treatment, "said Mikhail Gorodnichev, team member, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies at MTUSI.