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Renewal (PFC Update)


Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Since 2001
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
633621, Novosibirsk region, Suzunsky district, rp. Suzun, st. Commissar Zyatkova, 18



2023: Agreement with NSU for scientific and practical research

Renewal (PFC Update) and Novosibirsk State University signed a cooperation agreement on November 3, 2023, aimed at jointly developing methods for the quantitative analysis of active substances and impurities in drugs. New scientific approaches are used in drug research.

Thanks to this cooperation, our company received a platform for the study of new drugs under development. In addition, a scientific cluster based on NSU allows us to improve existing analysis methods in terms of improving quality control methods, increasing sensitivity, accuracy of results and saving resources. The agreement was signed for 5 years and further, we are sure that it will be successfully prolonged, - said Vladimir Grechkin, executive director of Renewal.

The cooperation agreement provides for the joint writing of reports for speeches at conferences and the preparation of scientific publications in Russian and international specialized publications.

In addition, at the final stage of preparation, there is an agreement on joint education of students in a new specialty of NSU "Industrial Pharmacy."

Within the framework of this specialty, our potential masters and technologists will be trained. To prepare them, we will provide our sites and organize production practices. Already from the third year, students will begin to purposefully study work in production. This will become a kind of targeted training, - said Vladimir Grechkin.

The educational program will include disciplines that will allow the graduate, without additional long training, to join the working processes in pharmaceutical production. In particular, even at the university, they will study GMP standards - international rules for the production and quality control of medicines, - said the executive director of Renewal.

In terms of personnel training, Renewal also cooperates with NGPU, TSU and NSTU.