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"K2Tex" localized the CRM system of the manufacturer of food ingredients

Customers: Allwin

Food industry

Contractors: K2 Teh
Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2023/04  - 2023/10

2023: CRM System Implementation

K2 Tekh has implemented a domestic CRM system for food ingredient manufacturer Allwin. In less than a year, the developers created a single space for business operations, which significantly reduced the cost of routine tasks, and the system was launched in a couple of months. K2 Tekh announced this on November 8, 2023.

Previously, the manufacturer of food ingredients was part of a large European holding and used Western software. In 2022, the holding's Russian business stood out in ALLWIN, which decided to switch to domestic systems. One of the main requests was the localization of the entire IT loop to preserve vital data for the business. The K2Tex team helped to solve this problem.

We had an ambitious goal - to replace the CRM system of one of the production of food ingredients in Russia in a short time. We decided not only to copy the past decision, but to revise its entire architecture, taking into account the changes in the company after leaving the holding. We conducted a survey of all business processes and started work. As a result, we created a single space that automated routine processes and made it possible not only to maintain business continuity, but also to significantly reduce internal communication between departments, as well as speed up the preparation of the necessary documentation, "said Alexey Varlamov, an expert in the field of business process automation at K2Teh.

The creation of the CRM system took place in several stages. K2Tex, together with the customer, evaluated the scope of work and designed a flexible solution architecture. The developers have determined how to automate end-to-end processes from the start of the project to the commercialization of the product. Then we moved on to creating a backlog and coding. Low-code solutions helped speed up work on the system. Each module of the CRM system was developed separately and could be launched immediately upon readiness.

The implemented CRM significantly accelerated the interaction of the company's divisions and improved the level of SLA for internal requests. The system combined more than 20 thousand data on the company's projects into one repository. To work with them, the developers implemented a special directory, launched MVP for critical processes and configured several levels of data access. All this helped unify business processes and speed up work with customers.

Previously, we used several disparate programs to manage business processes. The K2Tex solution combined them into one workspace and optimized the time spent by our employees. We also automated some of the routine operations and made the system intuitive to the user. This helped unload our specialists and improve the quality of work with clients, - said Igor Chupin, ALLWIN Localization and Change Manager.