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Arkhangelsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after P.G. Vyzhletsova





2023: Initiation of a criminal case on fraud in the construction of a hospital

In Arkhangelsk, suspects of fraud on an especially large scale were detained during the construction of a hospital within the framework of the Healthcare national project. This was reported to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on November 15, 2023.

According to investigators, as part of the implementation of the national project "Healthcare" in 2020, a state contract was signed for the construction of one of the hospital buildings for a total amount of more than 2.5 billion rubles. The suspects, acting as a group of persons by prior conspiracy, organized the conclusion of additional agreements to the state contract in the interests of controlled organizations, as a result of which the budget of the Arkhangelsk region suffered damage in the amount of more than 127 million rubles in the form of unreasonably increased expenses.

Arkhangelsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after P.G. Vyzhletsova

During joint activities of investigators SK and employees of the RP in FSB Russia the Arkhangelsk region, the suspects were detained. Searches were carried out, documents of importance for the case were seized. Other possible participants in the fraudulent scheme are being established, the TFR said.

Officially, the Investigative Committee does not disclose the names of the defendants in the case, and the department does not name the medical facility in which the building was built.

According to the publication, we are talking about the new medical and diagnostic building of the Arkhangelsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after Vyzhletsov, the construction of which has been carried out since 2020 within the framework of the national project "Healthcare." This is one of the most expensive social facilities in the region, the implementation of which from the very beginning was accompanied by a loud corruption hype, in which high-ranking officials of the regional administration appeared.

Sources of the portal in the regional government said that we are talking about the organization of Promstroyservice JSC, which was a technical contractor in the construction of a new building of the children's regional hospital.[1]
