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Password generator Generator

Developers: NPO Eshelon JSC
Last Release Date: 2017
Branches: Information technologies
Technology: Cybersecurity - Authentication

Appointment:[1]"Generator" is intended for generation of passwords, steady against selection, and also purpose of the generated passwords to users. The solution is integrated with directory services of Astra Linux Directory (ALD) and Microsoft Active Directory.

Need: in regulating documents of FSTEC of Russia and Russian Defense Ministry requirements to strong authentication are defined.

Main Functions:

  • generation of reliable passwords of the set length and complexity;
  • integration with directory services (Microsoft Active Directory, Astra Linux Directory);
  • remote purpose of passwords to target users;
  • generation of the reliable password using the set algorithm;
  • implementation of password policy of the organization;
  • support of Astra Linux of SE 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5, including work in the mode of the closed environment;
  • the API mode for the accessibility to low-level utilities of the Generator, for example, to utilities of generation of bits and passwords (in the command line).


  • functioning environment: Windows 7/8, Astra Linux Special Edition 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, ROSA Desktop 2012 LTS MARATHON Extended Edition (workstations), ALT Linux SPT 6.0 (workstations);
  • the library containing implementation of an algorithm of password generation on GOST 28.147-89 base;
  • import of lists of users from the local computer, from the domain, from a directory service (Microsoft Active Directory, Astra Linux Directory) and also import from files of the format *.html, *.xml, * csv;
  • export of lists of users and the generated passwords to the files *.html, *.xml, * csv;
  • purpose of the generated passwords to certain users, including in Microsoft Active Directory, Astra Linux Directory.

The program password generator Generator is included in the unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (the register of the Russian software). Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 9/6/2016.

At the beginning of 2017 the means for generation and accounting of the passwords "Generator" developed by NPO Eshelon underwent the next inspection control in the system of certification of the Russian Defense Ministry. Distinctive feature of updated Generator is support of the protected special purpose operating system "Astra Linux Special Edition" of versions 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.

The received certificate No. 3549 certifies that Generator conforms to requirements of the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation of 1996 No. 058, including:

  • to cryptographic and engineering and cryptographic requirements to the program random number generators used in information security tools of objects of ADP equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • to requirements of the regulating document of State Technical Commission of Russia "Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Information security software. Classification by the level of absence control of not declared opportunities", 1999 – on the second level of control;
  • to requirements for compliance of the real and declared in documentation functionality (RDV).

"Generator" passed test for compatibility with OS SN "Astra Linux Special Edition" in JSC NPO Rusbitech according to the program of support of equipment manufacturers and the software of "Ready for Astra Linux" and received the certificate of compatibility of "Software Ready for Astra Linux".