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2023/12/16 15:18:40


2023: For the first time in Russia, people with otosclerosis began to return hearing using a blue laser

The ENT doctors of Sechenov University were the first in Russia to begin to return hearing to people with otosclerosis using a blue laser. This became known in December 2023.

As specified in the university, the specialists of the Sechenov University clinic were the first in the Russian Federation to use a surgical laser with a wavelength of 445 nm in the treatment of patients with otosclerosis - a disease characterized by pathological bone growth in the middle ear.

Lor doctors of Sechenov University were the first in Russia to begin to return hearing to people with otosclerosis using a blue laser

We are talking about a photoangiolytic laser with a wavelength of 445 nm, the university explained. According to the director of the clinic, head of the department of diseases of the ear, throat and nose, Professor Valery Svistushkin, mechanical transmission of sounds is disrupted during otosclerosis. The disease makes the stirrup motionless - one of the auditory bones needed to make sounds.

To return hearing to a person, a hole is made in this bone and a prosthesis is hung into it. This operation is very subtle. To avoid unpleasant consequences, we otolaryngologists must follow the path of safety. And just a surgical laser allows this operation to be made safe by almost 100%, this technique allows you to minimize complications, - the press service quoted Svistushkin as commenting.

The laser was introduced with the partnership of the clinic with the Institute of Clinical Morphology and Digital Pathology of Sechenov University, as well as with the Russian Engineering Club (Tula). The press service added that the domestic laser apparatus is cheaper than foreign analogues.

Clinic scientists have proven that the blue laser is safe for patients with otosclerosis, developed their own approaches and selected special parameters for work. It turned out that their technique primarily reduces the risks and complications during stapedoplasty.[1]
