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Баннер в шапке 2

Stishkovsky Leonid




2023: Death

On December 19, 2023, in Mytishchi near Moscow, under the windows of his own house, the body of Leonid Stishkovsky, director of the IT division of Rosselkhozbank, was discovered. The man threw himself from the balcony, which, according to available information, was the result of a serious mental condition.

According to the Telegram channel Baza, 51-year-old Stishkovsky, who oversaw the development of banking products for Rosselkhozbank, was depressed for a long time due to his son's illness. The wife of the deceased said that on December 19, 2023, the man had psychosis. He screamed, ran, beat the woman and constantly ran out into the stairwell. According to the widow, Stishkovsky recalled the film "The Fifth Element" and stated that he was God.

The body of Leonid Stishkovsky was discovered

It was not possible to calm the man for a long time, and the woman called an ambulance team. Together with the doctors, a police officer arrived. Doctors and a policeman tried to bring the top manager to their senses, but these efforts did not bring any result: the man really became adequate, then again fell into hysterics. At some point, he escaped from the hands of doctors and ran out onto the balcony. As a result of the fall, Stishkovsky was seriously injured, the doctors failed to save him.

According to his wife, the man did not behave like that before, but for a long time he was in a depressed state. The woman says that the death of her husband could have been prevented if the doctors had promptly sedated him.

As noted by CNews, referring to information received from representatives of Rosselkhozbank, Stishkovsky worked in this financial organization since February 2021, and later moved to a specialized IT company of the RSHB-INTEH group. In the area of ​ ​ responsibility of the employee was "coordination of the implementation of modern solutions in the group companies."[1]
