Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2010/11/14 19:29:15

Nation-wide Automated Information System (NWAIS) of Belarus

Using the portal citizens and the organizations will be able to use the public electronic services. A system will work as follows: the user via the portal is connected to a system, is identified, through uniform settlement information space makes payment, selects service and receives necessary data from the state information resources (SIR) integrated into a system. Thus it will be possible to obtain data from the uniform state register of real estate, the unified register of administrative-territorial and territorial units and the state register of payers.

That all citizens could use a system, and not just Internet users, one of components of information and communication infrastructure will become so-called information intermediaries. In their role departments of RUP of Belpochta will act, specialists will help to order the legally significant reference, to print and certify the document. And for normal functioning of a system it will be required to create additional certification center which will be engaged in issue of electronic digital keys.

The Nation-wide Automated Information System (NWAIS) is intended for providing information services to other state bodies, organizations and citizens. A main objective of OAIS - increase in efficiency and quality of functioning of state bodies.

Now the OAIS basic software and hardware complex on the basis of infrastructure a blade servers and the service-oriented architecture (SOA) of Oracle is created. At the same time information is stored at owners of information resources as there it it is simpler to adjust, make changes and to keep track of correctness. For the purpose of providing otkazo-and disaster tolerance of hardware resources (processor capacities, RAM, disk space) the OAIS basic complex is placed on the areas of a data processing center of RUP "Beltelekom". The platform for creation of the duplicative center is already defined, and its service staff are trained.