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SO UES - System operator Edinoy power systems (1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.0)

Customers: SO UES - System operator Edinoy power systems

Contractors: Infosuite
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2007/05

The Infosyyut company completed a system implementation project on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform in "The system operator - the Central supervisory control of the Power pool system", the RAO UES of Russia subsidiary company providing the centralized supervisory control of power supply system of Russia. 62 branches of the company are distributed on all territory of the country.

Prior to the beginning of the project account in the company was kept using systems based on "1C: Enterprise 7.7". However in executive office and branches for automation of work different configurations were used. For unification of accounting of all organization the decision on transition to a new single system of accounting and tax accounting, calculation of salaries and registration of personnel based on the standard software products "1C: Accounting 8" and "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" was made.

During the project adaptation of methodology of tax accounting of executive office and branches of the customer to new software products and also adaptation of standard solutions to specific requirements of the customer, including a possibility of the automated formation of the corporate reporting was executed.

In December, 2006 the mass centralized user training and replication of a system on all branches was provided, and since the beginning of 2007 900 employees of executive office and 62 branches got to work in a new system.

In a project deliverable all accounting transactions of the Central supervisory control were unified, formation of both corporate, and standard financial and tax statements of branches and the organization in general is automated.

Now preparation for the new project – automation of formation of the consolidated management reporting and some other business processes of the organization is conducted.