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Unitiki is a bus ticket aggregator operating in Russia and Belarus. By the beginning of January 2024, the service offers services to 2.5 thousand carriers.


2024: Former Vice Governor of Chukotka Andrey Eskin takes ownership of 21% of Unitiki

On January 10, 2024, it became known that the former vice-governor of Chukotka, Andrei Eskin, became the owner of 21% of Unitiki. Information about the transaction is contained in the SPARK-Interfax system. It follows from it that the owner of the stake in Unitiki LLC was Oleot LLC controlled by Andrei Eskin. At the same time, the details of the contract are not disclosed.

Infoline Analytics CEO Mikhail Burmistrov, in a conversation with Kommersant, estimated the market value of Unitiki at three to four annual revenues of the company, that is, about 390-519 million rubles. Thus, Eskin could buy a share in the service for 82-109 million rubles.

Andrey Eskin became the owner of 21% of Unitiki

The expert considers it promising to invest in a service for the online sale of bus tickets, but adds that the development of the bus transportation market is constrained by limited communication with European countries.

In the medium and long term, the situation may improve, and the development of domestic tourism will increase demand, - said Burmistrov.

As a source in the tourist market explained to the newspaper, the income of aggregators consists mainly of commissions and fixed fees from tickets. In the case of bus transportation, we are more often talking about the second option, the amount of fees is set within the framework of agreements with a specific carrier, the source said.

Andrei Eskin is a partner of Russian businessman Roman Abramovich. Together they are co-founders of Marytime Capital Investments LLC. Both entrepreneurs previously worked in Chukotka: Abramovich served as governor of the region in 2001-2008, Andrei Eskin in 2011 was vice-governor.[1]
