Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Actimize Intelligence Server

Developers: Actimize UK Ltd
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: BI

Actimize Intelligence Server is the system allowing to keep track of suspicious activity concerning transactions and channels of cash flow.

Based on the algorithms developed taking into account world practice and experience of the leading regulators, a system in a foreground mode allows to keep track of signs of possible existence of offenses: exposure/removal of dummy requests, transactions without economic sense, trade using the insider information, price manipulation and others.

Actimize Intelligence Server is capable to provide the widest scope of data, to reveal and announce the suspicious transactions connected with money muling and financing of terrorism.

The solution helps to provide to firms confidence that their actions satisfy to the current standards and to adapt quickly to the changing regulatory base.

File:Chart suspicious1.png

Main Characteristics

  • Data more than 125 global institutes of the average level more largely, such as HSBC and Renaissance Capital are used

  • Target opportunities are intended for bank service (retail, a korrespondirovaniye, commercial), securities and insurance

  • Integrates more than 250 models of detection on the basis of rules with unique dynamic, analytical anomalies of detection, for detection of the known and unknown suspicious scenarios.