Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The Rubezh group implements schedule system

Customers: ADL

Moscow; Electrical equipment and microelectronics

Contractors: K&S Ltd
Product: IBM Cognos TM1
На базе: IBM Cognos

Project date: 2010/11


The project of creation of schedule system, budgeting and the consolidated statements for Rubezh group is complete. A system is implemented based on the software tools IBM Cognos TM1. The project is executed by K&S Ltd company (Korporativnye Sistemy LLC).


Staff of Rubezh company reviewed examples of implementation of projects based on IBM Cognos TM1, including the foreign holding working in the food industry and selected this product.


The project solves several problems. First of all, the company needed to systematize the principles of analytical accounting, cost types and cost centers in the different accounting systems of holding. Automatic loading of daily data on sales and costs in TM1 allowed the company to implement the management reporting.

Other, not less important task - creation of a system of scenario planning for the enterprise which is turning out sausage and delicious products. The company needed two circuits of planning – annual and operational (for the month ahead). This task received the solution.


During the project it was succeeded to create a system which allows to develop the procurement strategy directed to cost minimization in an interactive mode. The holding also managed to unify the principles of analytical accounting and created the system of scenario planning of the main directions of the activity.

In addition, as a result of project implementation the company purchased a possibility of the analysis of the actual and planned data that increased the speed and quality of the made decisions. Using a system based on IBM Cognos TM1 the company can have the consolidated statements on holding and separate types of its activity, daily. The implemented software tools will allow the company to prepare and count different versions of plans and, as a result, to find the most profitable to themselves the strategy supported with calculations.


"IBM Cognos TM1 covers all branches involved on the main activities of group now, - Roman Vasilyevich Tokarev, the head of the economic department of Rubezh Group said, - the Holding received the versatile tool for acceptance of management decisions which is opening not obvious, at first sight, possibilities of optimization of activity, and also allowing to accumulate statistical information on the main directions of business of group".