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CA Service Desk Manager

Developers: CA Technologies
Technology: ITSM - Management systems for IT service


CA Service Desk Manager is the advanced management system for customer service automating all operations on customer service. A system allows to manage processing of addresses and requests from clients and to keep account of information necessary for improvement of their service. CA Service Desk Manager automates processes of identification and tracking of process of the solution, both simple questions, and complex problems which clients ask in customer service. In this system there are simple tools for effective management of daily work of the service analysts, technical specialists and administrators who are engaged in problem solving of clients.

CA Service Desk Manager consists of two, closely integrated functions:

  • management of the entering addresses and requests
  • solution management of problems.

Control function by the addresses provides the centralized control of interaction between clients and customer services. This function provides collecting, accounting, sorting and tracking of customer appeals. For the future of these addresses or requests, control function answers with problems which automatically conducts monitoring of open problems, keeps base of their descriptions, orders measures for their solution and notifies ranking officers. Together, these functions allow to reduce time of response to requests, to provide resource availability and to increase efficiency of customer service.

Chronological database

CA Service Desk Manager maintains the chronological database which helps the administrator to estimate reliability of information and technology resources, work of analysts of customer service, technical specialists and partners and also to define the most effective measures and methods of elimination of problems. Using results of such assessment, the administrator can define more precisely need of acquisition of the equipment, draw conclusions on efficiency of customer service and is evidential hold negotiations with clients by partners.

Sets of algorithms and rules

CA Service Desk Manager allows to define administration task and service in the form of the algorithms and rule sets describing methods and the sequence of accomplishment of tasks. An important element of implementation CA Service Desk Manager is creation of tables of the values defining how and when administration algorithms should be applied. Setup and updating of these tables make a part of works on support of CA Service Desk Manager. It is necessary to plan and develop algorithms for optimization of collection of information to facilitate and accelerate problem solving and questions which clients ask. CA Service Desk Manager automatically applies the set algorithms to identification of requests, sorting and information search and accounting. After setup of algorithms, CA Service Desk Manager always follows them. It allows to alleviate significantly the burden of administration and to reduce an error probability. The administrator can find more time and forces, to satisfaction of needs of end users and the solution of global tasks of the enterprise.

Management of addresses and requests

It is primary function of automation of customer service helping service analysts to trace customer appeals. She provides response to each address to the shortest time and keeps account of all undertaken measures. Control function by the addresses can be used, both for internal service, and for service of external clients. Control function by the addresses uses:

  • Profiles of clients - for identification of the applicant, the description of its working environment and maintaining the magazine of its addresses.
  • Templates - for information input about the request.
  • Cards of addresses - for tracking of the status, appointments and the magazine of actions taken for accomplishment of the address.
  • The list of requests - for queue management on service of addresses and requests, viewing open addresses and requests and reports generation.
  • Events - for automation and control of service of addresses and requests.

Management of addresses allows to monitor process of service of the address - as long it is serviced what measures are already taken, etc. Besides, it is possible to create "the short form of a problem".

Problem management

Control function by problems automates determination of emergence and control of problem solving. It allows to resolve easily and accurately issues which clients daily faces in the work and address for answers in customer services.

Control function by problems contains

  • Reports on incidents - for accounting of the events indicating existence of problems.
  • Forms of problems - for the analysis and tracking of problems, since a stage of their identification and finishing a stage of their elimination.
  • Action plans - for determination of the measures ordered to technicians, managers, suppliers and other persons.

In a combination with each other, control functions by addresses and problems allow to control communication of clients with customer services, to appoint necessary measures, to coordinate interaction between different service and operational departments, to trace the course of accomplishment of addresses and requests and to automatically notify responsible persons on the beginning and completion of works. Both functions use general information that ensures harmonious functioning of customer service.

Process of service of addresses

Identification of the client and registration of his address

Clients can address to customer services in different occasions. It can be a simple question, the message about a problem with program or the hardware, the request for repair or replacement of the equipment or information request about the current situation with the previous request. Using control function by the addresses, the analyst of customer service identifies the client, creates or updates an address card, registers an essence of the address or learns about the current actions according to this address or the request.

Transfer of the address to control function by problems

CA Service Desk Manager contains "the self-training knowledge base" and can be integrated with tools and knowledge bases of the third firms. And specialists of customer services can define by the knowledge base of analytics how the similar problem was solved at this enterprise earlier or to conduct search in other knowledge bases. The analyst of the service center can answer a question and on it the address of the client will be closed. Otherwise, the address is transferred to service to control function by problems.

Report on an incident

By transfer of the address to control function problems, automatically create the form of a problem with the report on an incident attached to it where the essence of the accepted address is stated. Reports on incidents facilitate a problem of problem management. With their help the personnel of customer services can trace each incident and group identical cases in one form of a problem. In reports on incidents, according to the client symptoms of a problem or other events which can indicate existence of a problem register. Control function by problems automatically creates reports on incidents if software announces the events which passed through the filter of incidents. They can be also created manually when net surfers email notifications on problems. Forms of problems are the main control facility behind the problem resolution. In the form of a problem the analyst of customer service can:

  • Write character and the reason of a problem,
  • Define the mentioned information and technical resources,
  • Trace the course of elimination of a problem,
  • Notify on the successful solution of a question.

Creation of the action plan

After starting the form of a problem, the analyst of customer service can create the action plan in which it is specified as when it has to be made for elimination of a problem. According to this plan the course of accomplishment of actions will be traced and to become assessment of their efficiency. The action plan helps to solve problems quickly and qualitatively. In the action plan it is specified:

  • What should be made for elimination of a problem,
  • Description of these actions,
  • Which of employees should make it, at the same time, each of them receives the corresponding notification,
  • Schedule of actions and status of their accomplishment,
  • Efficiency evaluation of this plan.

The action plan can be created after creation of the form of a problem and to attach to it this plan. It is also possible to use the template representing the plan of the effective actions which are contained in the previous form of a problem and to attach this template on the new form.

Closing of a problem

After all operations provided by the plan are successfully performed and the problem is solved, the form of a problem and a card of the address in which the problem was written can be closed. The closed address or the request disappears from a primary window of the interface of the program, but all information on them remains in the database.


CA Service Desk Manager allows to create the different reports helping to estimate work of customer services and the course of elimination of problems. Control functions by addresses and problems contain a standard set of reports. They can be browsed and printed directly from the menu of the interface of the program. It is also possible to create own summary or detailed reports according to addresses and requests, cards of incidents, forms of problems or any other information which is accumulated by the program. Generation and report settings is possible also from the command line interface.