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MTS RED. Web Application Protection Service

Developers: MTS RED (Serenity Cyber Security) formerly MTS Cybersecurity
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/02/13
Branches: Information security
Technology: IS - Firewalls

Main article: Firewall

2024: Web Application Protection Service Introduction

MTS RED on February 13, 2024 brought to the market a web application protection service. It is distinguished by the ability to support high-load applications (over 1000 requests per second) and implement dedicated WAF installations for large customers. And the use together with the MTS RED: Anti-DDoS service allows you to comprehensively protect the company's infrastructure and web applications.

According to to data international studies, over 25% of all INFORMATION SECURITY incidents in organizations are associated attacks with web applications. MTS RED analysts note that the increase in the number, intensity and complexity of attacks on web applications contributes to the active growth firewalls of the application tier market (WAF) and the emergence of new players and security tools in this segment.

"MTS RED. Web Application Protection Service "protects web applications from targeted and massive cyberattacks at the L7 level. Attacks on web applications and services are aimed at gaining attackers unauthorized access to confidential data of the company, their theft and substitution, as well as access to critical business processes. Such attacks affect both commercial organizations - owners of online stores, financial web applications, media, social networks and other resources, as well as government agencies operating state information systems, databases and other socially significant web resources.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = said Mikhail Gorshilin, head of protection for MTS RED web applications.

The service is provided on the basis Russian of the solution included in, and register of domestic software has the necessary certificates for work government organizations. The FSTEC service provides configuration of rules for processing requests for protected web applications and 24-hour monitoring and response to incidents.

To protect web applications, the flow of requests to protected services and applications is analyzed and all illegitimate requests are blocked. The MTS RED Analysis and Protection Center promptly informs the customer's information security specialists through the mail service or personal account about the most critical incidents. In the personal account of the service, full reporting is available on all blocked requests online, as well as for any selected period.

Depending on the tasks and resources of the customer, the service provides various levels of protection, from basic to advanced. The selection takes into account the amount of load on the application, its complexity, the number of protected applications and the necessary functionality. However, 24-hour monitoring and incident response are provided at any level.

MTS RED experts recommend that companies build layered protection of their web resources in order to protect themselves from various attack vectors. To this end, a comprehensive service has been implemented to protect web applications from L7 (WAF) attacks - attacks through application vulnerabilities, deface, hacking - and L3-L4 (Anti-DDoS) - DDoS attacks.