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Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



Within the new version of BIS-SBOR functionality of a system was considerably expanded and the used technologies are optimized.

In particular, the universal mechanism of formulas is developed for a possibility of autocalculations in a system. For convenience of work of users and a possibility of a task of rules of formation of justifications of budgetary appropriations the functionality of templates is implemented.

For example, use of a template when calculating cost of service provides a possibility of a task for group of organizations of rules of reference of cost items by their types.

Developers: R.O.S.T.U.
Technology: CPM


Description of BIS-SBOR

The budget Information System of the medium-term budgeting focused on result (BIS-SBOR) represents the end-to-end system of increase in efficiency of planning of budgeted expenses developed by the Company on the basis of its practical experience.

BIS-SBOR is an ensuring coordination of strategic objectives of the region (MO) with the purposes and problems of subjects of budget planning, indicators of achievement of results and volume of budget expenses. BIS-SBOR allows to select the most effective directions of expenditure of budgetary funds, provides assessment of extent of achievement of the planned results and their quality.

BIS-SBOR allows to implement modern effective program and target planning methods of the budget in the operating budget process of the region (MO), at the same time supports planning of the budget and traditional methods: normative and method of indexation. Implementation of an end-to-end automated system of BIS-SBOR includes:

  • The transfer of an author's technique of implementation of the principles of BOR to budget process of the region (municipal entity) developed on the basis of practical experience of the Company
  • Transfer of an author's technique of system implementation of BIS-SBOR,
  • Development of the organizational regulatory documents providing an order of interaction between all participants of budget process when implementing the BOR method in the region (MO)
  • Delivery, adaptation and implementation of an automated system of BIS-SBOR in Financial body, connection to it of "pilot" group of participants of budget process, up to state funded organizations and receivers of the public (municipal) services,
  • Holding the training practical work seminars in conditions of BOR for the staff of Financial body of the region (MO), managers and receivers of means of the regional (municipal) budget.

BIS-SBOR – the distributed system covering all participants of budget process – the staff of financial and economic bodies of the region (MO), budgetary institutions and receivers of the public (municipal) services.

BIS-SBOR is a possibility of maintaining the normative reference information in the single database, drawing up on its basis, both traditional expense budgets, and the departmental target programs (DTP) by codes of budget classification, payment commitments, the rendered public (municipal) services, the executed actions. A system provides calculation of the standard of cost of the public (municipal) service.

BIS-SBOR provides formation of the state (municipal) tasks in the set form by suppliers and types of service.

BIS-SBOR is a calculation of efficiency of implementation of VTsP and also carrying out monitoring and the analysis of implementation of VTsP with formation of necessary report forms.

BIS-SBOR provides drawing up different versions of the draft budget with the choice of the most acceptable option, a possibility of modeling when installing values of articles, volumes, coefficients and indicators. BIS-SBOR automates process of formation of one-year and three-year budgets, both if necessary and in the long term, increases the horizons of budget planning.



Module of general purpose. Administration and audit:

  • Ensuring electronic document management in a system;
  • Ensuring pipeline processing of electronic documents;
  • Ensuring setup of the sequence of execution of operations with the electronic document of a system, with fixing of responsible persons to accomplishment of this or that procedure;
  • Ensuring control of accomplishment of the set procedures.
  • Possibility of creation of several versions of budgets;
  • Possibility of a task of automatic checks (kontroly) data processing (if necessary),
  • Ensuring functioning of geographically distributed network of users, inclusion in electronic document management of divisions:
  • financial body,
  • economic body,
  • managers of budgetary funds,
  • receivers of budgetary funds (including autonomous organizations),
  • other subjects of budget planning.

Module "Security Center and Access Isolation to Data of a Subsystem":

  • Authentication of users,
  • Ensuring creation of a role model of access,
  • Ensuring restriction of visibility of information according to the approved powers of users of a subsystem,
  • Ensuring functional differentiation of actions of users at information processing.

Module "Normative reference information":

  • Existence of reference books:
  • the organizations (with a possibility of the indication of an organization type (financial body, economic body, the manager of budgetary funds, the receiver of budgetary funds);
  • organization types;
  • SBP types;

  • qualifier of codes of budget classification and also branching codes; ü financing sources;
  • types of payment commitments;
  • maintenance of payment commitments;
  • types of payment commitments (acting, accepted);
  • types of services;
  • the reference book of public services / the performed works;
  • contingent of consumers of services;
  • groups of the contingent of consumers of services;
  • categories of the contingent of consumers of services;
  • reference book of indicators;
  • reference book of the purposes;
  • reference book of types of the purposes;
  • reference book of types of target programs; etc.
  • Ensuring formation and maintaining uniform normative reference information.

Module "Interaction with External Systems":

  • Ensuring export/import of the data given from/in external systems through formats (xml, xls).

Module "Management by Objectives and to Indicators *":

  • Ensuring formation of a system of strategic objectives of the region (MO) with a possibility of the purpose instruction (a strategic, tactical target, a tactical task);

  • Ensuring formation of the list of indicators by strategic objectives of the region (MO);

  • Ensuring through ED formation of a system is more whole than department (RBS) with coordination with strategic objectives of the region (MO) with a possibility of the purpose instruction (the departmental purpose, a task of department);

  • Ensuring formation of the list of indicators by the purposes (tasks) of department (RBS).

Module "Formation of VTsP/subprogrammes of a Cerebral Palsy *":

  • Ensuring formation of GRBS/RBS of the cerebral palsies departmental target programs / subprogrammes (further - the CPU). Providing at the same time possibilities of a task:

  • The list of the services/works/actions (further – services) executed within sale of the CPU.

  • The volume of services, necessary to rendering, on each of the rendered services, in general on GRBS/RBS by years of planning

  • Figures of merit on each of the rendered services by years of planning.

  • Ensuring formation of PBS of information on volume of the services planned to rendering (including with indication of qualitative indexes), for the subsequent automatic aggregation in the target program.

Module "Formation of the State (Municipal) Tasks":

  • Ensuring formation of the state (municipal) tasks by organizations service providers. Providing at the same time possibilities of a task:

  • The list of the services required to rendering within the state (municipal) tasks.
  • The volume of services, necessary to rendering, on each of the rendered services, on organization by years of planning.
  • Figures of merit on each of the rendered services by years of planning.
  • Providing indication of an order of control of execution of a task.
  • Providing indication of an order of providing reporting on execution of a task.

Module "Distribution of Services":

  • Possibility in an interactive screen form of distribution of total amount of services, necessary to rendering, in general on GRBS/RBS on organizations suppliers;
  • Possibility of automatic formation of projects of the state (municipal) tasks taking into account services, distributed volumes necessary to rendering.

Module "Formation of Extreme Volumes of Budgetary Appropriations":

  • Ensuring formation of extreme volumes of allocations by RBS and PBS. Providing at the same time opportunities:

  • Settings of necessary detailing of KBK;

  • Bringing to RBS and/or PBS of extreme volumes of allocations by the existing and assumed obligations, KBK (including branching codes of budget classification, financing sources);

  • Automatic calculation of extreme volumes of appropriations for planned financial year +1/+2 on the basis of the entered adjusting factors on every line KBQ and the amounts of extreme volume of allocations of the previous year.

Module "Distribution of Extreme Volumes of Allocations":

  • Possibility in an interactive screen form of distribution of total amount of the allocations brought to GRBS/RBS by KBK on subordinated PBS;

  • Ensuring automatic control of compliance of the volumes of allocations brought to GRBS/RBS on KBK to the distributed volumes by KBK to PBS;

  • Possibility of automatic formation of extreme volumes of allocations on PBS taking into account distribution.

Module "Formation of Justifications of Budgetary Appropriations" *:

  • Ensuring formation of PBS of justifications of budgetary appropriations. Providing at the same time opportunities:

  • Input of volume of the planned expenses on each of finished by the state (municipal) task to the public (municipal) service by KBK, planning periods, types of the payment commitments (operating / accepted), cost types (the salary, the rent and so forth);

  • Separate (in need of) accounting of direct and indirect costs. Distribution of indirect costs to the cost of the corresponding service according to the distribution technique set (randomly);

  • Tasks user of any methods of calculation for each cost type;

  • Automatic calculation of necessary volumes of appropriations for planned financial year +1/+2 on the basis of the entered adjusting factors on every line KBQ and the amounts of necessary volumes of allocations of the previous year.

  • Ensuring formation of GRBS/RBS/PBS of volume of extra program expenses. Providing at the same time opportunities:

  • Input of extra program expenses of volume by KBK, planning periods, types of the payment commitments (operating / accepted), cost types (the salary, the rent and so forth);

  • Tasks user of any methods of calculation for each cost type;

  • Automatic calculation of volumes of extra program expenses for planned financial year +1/+2 on the basis of the entered adjusting factors on every line KBQ and the volume of extra program expenses of the previous year;

  • Distributions of total amount of extra program expenses on the specified purposes (tasks) of department (GRBS/RBS) according to the distribution technique set (randomly).

  • Ensuring formation of the draft budget on expenses.

Subsystem "REPORTING"

Module "Formation of Report Forms":

  • Report generation possibility in forms:
  • "Passport of the departmental target program"
  • "List (register) of services"
  • "State (municipal) task"
  • "The register is more whole"
  • "Budget painting"
  • "Data on results of activity f. No. 0503162"
  • "Volume of limit allocations"
  • "Cost of services", etc.

  • Possibility when forming of the specified report forms of sorting, filtering, grouping of data. Existence of a possibility of graphic data mapping in the form of charts, diagrams and 3-dimensional images.

Module "Report Forms on Objects of the Budget Investments" Using the new module "Report Forms on Objects of the Budget Investments" which is a part of the Planning of the Budget Investments block different analytical forms form. Among them:

  • List of subjects to capital investments;
  • Monitoring of cost of subjects to capital investments;
  • Status of subjects to capital investments;

Module "Designer of the OLAP Reports":

  • Possibility of operational multidimensional data processing using OLAP technology. Existence of a possibility of creation of reports on the basis of an OLAP cubes.
  • Possibility of the choice of several number (3 and more) measurements (cuts) from set in an OLAP cube.
  • Possibility of a task of a format of representation of the selected measurements in an OLAP cube (arrangements of data in horizontal direction, verticals, sorting, data filtering)
  • Possibility of automatic recalculation of value of a cube at change of value of one or several cells of a tabular form.

Possibility of preserving of "scenario" (option) of a status of data of a cube after accomplishment over them what - or actions. Choice of measurements, indications of filters and sortings of measurements.

Subsystem "CODE of the DRAFT BUDGET"

Module "Budgeting on Income":

  • Ensuring data entry on income by KBK and administrators of income;
  • Ensuring formation of the draft budget on income.

Module "Budgeting on Budget Deficit Financing Sources":

  • Ensuring data entry on budget deficit financing sources by KBK and administrators of sources;
  • Ensuring formation of the draft budget on budget deficit financing sources.

Module "Code of the Draft Budget":

  • Ensuring formation of a report form according to the code of the draft budget on the basis of projects of account, profitable parts of the budget, budget deficit financing sources,

  • Ensuring control of compliance of the created report form according to the code of the draft budget to the control ratios set by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in that

  • to the extreme volume of budget deficit of the region (MO)

  • on not exceeding of volume of current expenses of the budget of the region (MO) to the volume of budget revenues of the region (MO) and the means arriving from financing sources of budget deficit and t. item.


Module "Monitoring of Achievement of Goals *":

  • Ensuring formation of GRBS/RBS/PBS, economic body (EB) of information on achievement of indicators of the purposes. Providing at the same time opportunities:

  • Input of values of the actual indicators of achievement on each of the purposes by their types.

Module "Monitoring of Accomplishment of the State (Municipal) Tasks *":

  • Ensuring formation of GRBS/RBS/PBS of the state (municipal) tasks given about execution. Providing at the same time opportunities:

  • Input of measure values of volume of actually rendered services in each of services.

  • Input of values of the actual figures of merit of the rendered services in each of services.

Module "Monitoring of Execution of Expenses *":

  • Ensuring formation of GRBS/RBS/PBS of the expenses given about execution. Providing at the same time opportunities:

  • Input of volume of actually made expenses by KBK.

  • Input of volume of the made expenses by the rendered services (stated purposes).