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In the Concorde company service at the expense of system implementation of operational accounting accelerates

Customers: Concorde

St. Petersburg; Trade

Contractors: Dialog IT
Product: Alpha Car: Motor show + Car service + Auto parts red 4

Project date: 2010/11
Number of licenses: 30


In Konkord LLC implementation of the software product " is completed by the Alpha Car: Auto parts + the Motor show + Car service" on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

At the Beginning

By a certain moment of development of the company it became clear that it is difficult to solve a problem of growth without automated system of operational accounting, and there was not enough Microsoft Excel program. At the initiative of the head of sales department the decision on automation of operational activity of the company taking into account specifics of work of a motor show was made.

The optimal solution accepted the software product "by the Alpha Car: Auto parts + Motor show + Car service".

The Dialog Information Technologies company acted as the contractor of the project of automation.


Stages of inspection and business process modeling, engineering design of an information system, data exchange setup, programming and user training, trial operation of an information system, start in commercial operation were passed.


Implementation "Alpha Car: + the Motor show + Car service" a common information space of the company allowed to create auto parts. At the same time, thanks to setup and separation of access rights, functions of each of employees are accurately differentiated. At the same time the management quickly controls work of managers and the course of car sales.

Main thing

Main advantages of work in an information system:

  • Document flow is completely automated
  • Storage of all templates of agreements according to different models and the prices of cars.
  • Printing of agreements and passports of technical condition
  • Accounting and online tracking in an information system of a status of customer orders on cars
  • Data exchange with an information system of the producer and automatic update of data on the orders (change of complete sets, the statuses of cars) placed in production
  • Automatic calculation of discounts according to the complex circuit (depending on year of release, the producer, model and a complete set of the car)
  • Formation of price lists and their automatic update within 20 seconds
  • In the automatic mode the status of settlement at shipment in accordance with the terms of the agreement is controlled
  • Accounting of requests for issue of the credits – history, the amount and all accompanying information on each client
  • Sales accounting of insurance policies, with analytics on terms of insurance, cost and insurance companies.

As a result labor and time expenditure of managers decreased twice. It allowed to increase the speed and customer service quality significantly.

The main outcomes – an opportunity to objectively estimate efficiency of sales, fall forward and service qualities due to reduction of time expenditure of managers that is especially important for the client - the focused company.

During the project 30 jobs are automated.

Thanks to the data exchange mechanism configured by specialists Dialog IT with a corporate information system of the producer of the Peugeot cars, it is possible to obtain daily in real time up-to-date information about an order status: the car is in production, is released, is in a warehouse.

As a result labor and time expenditure of managers on search of the necessary model of the car, registration of the order and formation of the agreement decreased twice. It allowed to increase the speed and customer service quality significantly.

Using an information system the head of sales department traces data on the available and ordered cars, cars in a reserve and clients. At the disposal of the head also there is always information on the one who and when from employees registered the order or made out purchase – thus he can quickly control work of managers. In an information system the specific scheme of motivation of managers is kept: for certain actions it charges points of which there are awards. Automation allowed to reduce time for calculation of bonus.

Formation of various analytical reports on car sales, unpaid transactions, motivation of employees gives the chance to quickly make management decisions. Setup of automatic data exchange "is in the long term planned by the Alpha Car: Auto parts + the Motor show + Car service" with the system of accounting.