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MTUSI: ARTCam Studio for the production of virtual video content

The name of the base system (platform): Virtual Reality Projects
Developers: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/03/07

The main articles are:

2024: Virtual Video Content Production Studio Presentation

MTUSI The production studio has been developed. virtual video content The University announced this on March 7, 2024.

Virtual augmented reality and -/- technologies ARVR are finding more and more use every year in a variety of industries economies:,,,,. industries to medicine communications transport to trade Thanks to their development, new areas of human activity appear, one of which is virtual production.

Virtual production is the process of creating virtual objects and scenes using AR/VR technologies, especially in demand in the film and game industries.

The virtual reality production studio is being developed by Gleb Voronkov, a 3rd year student at the Radio and Television faculty at the MTUSI Computer Vision Center under the guidance of Dmitry Egorov, senior lecturer at the Television and Sound Broadcasting Department.

ARTCam studio allows you to conduct online broadcasts of events, placing real people and objects in a 3D environment. It is possible to record and edit broadcasts, conduct them on social networks, on streaming platforms and using video conferencing services.

The key quality of ARTCam is the absence of the need to engage in post-production (the period of material processing after filming) and use expensive displays for background images. Due to the use of VR technologies, the "picture" turns out to be rich and voluminous, and the quality of the content depends only on the characteristics of the server on which it is generated. The studio is implemented in the Unreal Engine (UE) environment, which allows you to provide a high degree of detail, video content quality and realism. Additional used VR technology, three-dimensional graphics and a software product Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), - commented Gleb Voronkov.

According to the structure, the studio consists of 2 blocks: physical and virtual. The first includes a VR camera orientation system in space, a camera, an image capture card, a server and a monitor. The virtual part is 2 products - UE and OBS.

The use of ARTCam makes it possible to speed up the video production process by reducing the post-production stage and obtaining finished video products during the production process, since with the help of a pre-prepared three-dimensional scene, video content is mounted directly during the broadcast. Thanks to the virtual studio, the video engineer can make changes during the live broadcast without suspending the broadcast, frame changes and losses as an image. Live streaming is possible with the addition of elements of a three-dimensional environment in a three-dimensional virtual environment.

The studio can fully function on an area of ​ ​ 30 m2, does not require Led screens, special requirements for power and protection of the power supply network, and five people are enough for its full-fledged work. For March 2024, an existing prototype was developed and a technical model was made.

In the near future, it is planned to use the connection of neural network models in ARTCam to track human movements in the frame, generate 3D models and cut out the original background, create a library of 3D scenes and digital costumes. Its own camera orientation device in space will be developed, which will allow anyone to fully use VR technology with ARTCam after a short training course.