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Malyushin Ivan Dmitrievich
Malyushin Ivan Dmitrievich


2024: Recovery of 1.3 billion rubles in the case of the construction of a residential complex on the site of the Research Institute of Hematology

In early March 2024, the Petrograd District Court of the city of St. Petersburg satisfied the civil claim of the Prosecutor General's Office and turned 1.3 billion rubles and 132 real estate objects of former officials of the Presidential Affairs Department (UDP) of the Russian Federation into state revenue. The proceedings are related to violation of anti-corruption legislation.

According to TASS reports, the case goes back to 2000. At that time, a Ministry of Health Russia residential complex was built on the site of the building of the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology, which belonged to the medical center of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. The Prosecutor General's Office believes that the defendants violated anti-corruption bans and disposed of this territory in their personal interests. Subsequently, part of the residential complex illegally passed in favor of officials and developers.

The defendants in the case are two former deputy heads of the Presidential Affairs Department Ivan Malyushin and Sergei Kovalev, as well as the widow of the former deputy UDP - head of the main medical department Sergei Mironov Juliet Khoperia. In addition, the defendants are 16 more people and 4 of the company: LLC Firm SKF-XXI, CJSC Celtis-Stroyinvest, LLC Golden Wind XX and LLC SU-11 Lipetskstroy-M.

The prosecutor's office said that it was impossible to compensate the damage caused to the state at the expense of the area withdrawn from state property, and demanded that the property of the defendants be turned into state revenue to protect public interests. It is said that the defendants did not recognize the claim, while their lawyers during the hearings pointed to the expired statute of limitations of the case. However, the court satisfied the plaintiffs' claims in full.

The court decided to satisfy the claims of the Deputy Prosecutor General in full and recover from 20 defendants in solidarity funds in the amount of 1 billion 304 million 919 thousand 303 rubles, as well as 132 real estate objects, the report said.[1]
