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The Rusal replaced EDMS Documentum, having considered it expensive and problem

Customers: UC Rusal (Rusal - Russian aluminum)

Contractors: Paybot
Product: PayDox Electronic document management system and business process managements

Project date: 2010/12
Number of licenses: 6000
The Russian aluminum company (Rusal) implemented an implementation project of an electronic document management system and business process management of PayDox, record on speed and a scope, at the enterprises. PayDox in Rusal succeeded the Documentum platform which after several years operation left about itself an unsatisfactory impression.

The Russian aluminum company (Rusal) implemented an implementation project of an electronic document management system and business process management of PayDox, record on speed and a scope, at the enterprises. PayDox in Rusal succeeded the Documentum platform which after several years of operation left about itself an unsatisfactory impression.

Let's remind that EDMS Documentum was used by Rusal several years, it was one of the largest installations of this system in the metallurgical industry and in the industry in general. In 2007 support and development of EDMS Documentum were transferred by Rusal to outsourcing of Pba Consult company.

It is known that at that time EDMS of Rusal represented quite large-scale solution which functionality covered approval processes, storage of ogranizatsionno-administrative documents, reporting system and storage of memos.

However, after crisis of 2008 painfully struck the metallurgical industry, Rusal in general refused outsourcing model, having started over again servicing IT infrastructure by own forces. The difficulties which faced at the company with independent support of Documentum were become one of the main reasons of replacement of the platform.

About implementation of a new system it is said in the official statement that EDMS PayDox allows with upekhy "replace earlier set western brands in the field of EDMS for which implementation years and incommensurable means were spent".

A transfer of all divisions of Rusal on PayDox was made less than in a year: one month was allotted on implementation of EDMS at one plant. As a result six plants of Rusal in Nikolaev, Novokuznetsk, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk and Achinsk are transferred to a new system.

Besides, the Russian Engineering Company (REC) which is a part of Rusal, and ESKO EEC (the Power construction complex of the Power pool system) which is a part of RAO UES for the same time successfully implemented PayDox for automation of the activity, including for implementation of joint global projects, in particular, of construction of Boguchansky hydroelectric power station. The total quantity of users of PayDox in Rusal already exceeds 6 thousand people and continues to increase quickly.

About year results of the project it is also said in the official statement that EDMS PayDox "Rusal" implements with the minimum costs and the maximum effect and also with a mass scope. Implemented the solution has complex functionality.

The enterprises which already began to work with PayDox give to new EDMS flatter responses. So, according to the IT manager of Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter Denis Zheleznov, "there is a lot of advantages at the program". "Not hours, but minutes are spent for document retrieval. All process of approval and a statement considerably accelerated and became absolutely transparent. Mailing of notifications to contractors about need of acquaintance with the document after the approval by the director happens in a few minutes", - he told.

In September of this year the Rusal company purchased the licenses PayDox for 40 enterprises, developing on them at installation of EDMS PayDox, already proved the efficiency at other enterprises.