Customers: Tress +, Ltd company Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: Homnet Consulting Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2010/11
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Specialists "1C: Homnet Consulting" implemented the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product in TRES + production company.
Preserving of a worthy position in the industry market of TRES + company required the system of complex automation of productive activity allowing to organize high-quality business management. The management of "TPEC+" made the decision on implementation of the software product providing tools for the analysis, planning and flexible management by resources of the enterprise for the purpose of increase in its competitiveness.
The company ordered the project of automation of the enterprise of the company "1C: Homnet Consulting". The integrator suggested to implement the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product.
Within the project the main business processes of accounting and management at the enterprise are automated:
- production management,
- inventory management and purchases,
- planning and sales management,
- vendor relationship management and clients,
- order management in production,
- management of repairs,
- products cost accounting,
- production volume scheduling,
- accounting and tax accounting,
- personnel records and payroll and others.
Production accounting is completely automated: accounting of the material consumption, semi-finished products, defects and waste. The cost of products is recalculated monthly taking into account the direct, general production and general business costs made in a month.
The regulated accounting and tax accounting of the company is automated, connection to a system the client bank (automatic loading and unloading of payment orders) is organized, tunings of a system for submission of reports in electronic form on the Internet, etc. are performed.
To results
The organization of work of all divisions of the company in a common information space allowed to reduce time expenditure by data exchange between head office, the plants and warehouses. The management of head office had an opportunity to control all stages of financial and economic activity of the company, beginning from production and finishing with implementation of finished goods that allows to make correct decisions on corporate management and strategic management.
Automation of the company allowed leadership team to optimize management of production processes: by 6 times to increase the speed of execution of works, connected with accounting and managerial tasks, to strengthen managerial supervision over activity of personnel; achieve effective use of resources, decrease in product cost, reduction of volume of unrealized goods.
All this, in a complex, allowed the enterprise to avoid falling of profitability during the crisis period, and afterwards to increase profit.
The CEO of the company "TPEC +" Alexey Lovetsky summarized project results: "On a decision instant about the beginning of the project the company reached that level of development which required complex automation. The lack of the unified information system significantly slowed down business development. We dealt with this issue in time: works on system implementation were finished before crisis that helped us to meet and endure it "fully equipped". Thanks to wide functionality ERP- the solution 1C: MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT we optimized production management: revenues of the company increased on a quarter due to more effective use of resources, decrease in cost value, reduction of the revealed remaining balance of unrealized products and so forth. Implementation of an automated system allowed to save the employees occupied with accounting from routine labor-consuming transactions: as a result the speed of execution of works, connected with accounting transactions, grew by 6 times".