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ActiveEnergo (Tender Pro)

Customers: ActiveEnergo

St. Petersburg; Trade

Contractors: TenderPro
Product: Tender Pro

Project date: 2012/03  - 2012/03

2022: Results of the project on trade automation at ETP Tender

In August 2022, AktivEnergo LLC announced the results of a project to automate bidding for the Pro Tender.

Project objectives: Establishing long-term relationships with large customers.

Choice of ETP: AktivEnergo is aimed at establishing long-term relations with large customers, therefore, one of the main sales channels was chosen by ETP TenderPro.

Results: AktivEnergo started working at the Tender.Pro ETP in 2012, over 10 years it has won more than 2000 tenders totaling over 264 million rubles.

In the current economic situation, the company faced an increase in delivery times for some imported items, so it had to change the logistics for certain types of equipment. Thanks to competent planning, in which these TenderPro helped, AktivEnergo did not allow the breakdown of contracts.