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Developers: LifeTelecom (Telfin)
Last Release Date: 2024/04/23
Branches: Internet services
Technology: Call centers

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2024: The ability to get phone records on Telegram

Russian provider Communication Services Telfin increases the functionality of Telfin.Bot to control the quality of telephone service and operation call centers. The company announced this on April 23, 2024.

Now the Telfin chatbot allows you to receive in Telegram not only notifications about missed and received calls, SMS and calls within the company, but also recordings of telephone conversations, as well as voice mail messages. Directly in the messenger, they can be listened to and sent to other contacts.

In addition, users of the Telfin.Bot service have the opportunity to get acquainted with brief transcripts of phone calls right in Telegram. A voice message or phone call record can be transcribed into text. The summary of the conversation automatically comes to the messenger.

In Telegram, you can configure the receipt of notifications both by external numbers or certain extension numbers, and by call queues, for example, by one department or regional office. If the call was missed, then in addition, information on the waiting time for a response comes with the employee's number in Telegram.

Thanks to the advanced capabilities of the chatbot, companies increase control over the operation of call centers. As a result, the speed of response to missed applications is increasing, the norms and standards of telephone service are observed. The efficiency of employees is increased, since without leaving the messenger, you can read SMS, listen to a call or voice mail message, "said Ivan Pavlov, Telfin project manager.

The chatbot connects for free. "Telfin.Bot" works with the PBX "Telfin. Office" and with an unlimited number of external numbers connected to the service. You can generate a token for the bot from the marketplace of the virtual PBX.