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K2Tekh transferred the Zolla chain of stores to a new trading automation system

Customers: Zolla (Factor LLC)

Contractors: K2 Teh
Product: 1C: Trade Management 8

Project date: 2023/09  - 2024/03

2024: Move to "1C: Trade Management 10.3"

K2 Teh implemented a solution to automate trade operations. Zolla The developers switched the information flows of the company's local systems to a new solution, optimized the information loop architecture and made many other significant improvements. K2 Tekh announced this on April 6, 2024.

The need to replace Zolla's historical trade activity management system has long been formed - 1C: Trade Management 10.3 updates could stop coming to the used version of the solution, while the business accumulated requests. The key requirement for the system was the calculation of the cost of goods in accordance with current regulations and norms. The difficulty of the transition was that a IT huge number of business processes companies were tied to the -system. As of April 2024, Zolla includes more than 450 stores throughout, Russia each with a separate information base and connected by integration flows to a central automation base. trade The system reflects an average of 30 thousand operations every day, collects and consolidates from data individual information bases of each store about the occupancy of warehouses, movements of goods and their sales. Stopping such a system even for a day threatened losses. Therefore, the main task that required a solution was how smoothly and painlessly for the customer to transfer the entire chain of stores and the central office to a new system.

For the base of building the new system, solution 1C: Trade Management 11.5 was chosen. This is a typical product that made it possible to close most of the customer's functional needs. The system operates on the basis of the 1C 8.3 platform, in contrast to the historical system. As a result, the K2Tex and Zolla project team updated the 1C trading automation system to UT-11 and implemented a full operational exchange between the historical and the base being implemented. This made it possible to control the correctness of the incoming information and process huge amounts of data automatically. The main changes in the model solution "1C: Trade Management 11.5" are related to the development of integrations with other systems in the Zolla IT ecosystem, such as OMS, TMS, PLM, operational and regulated accounting systems, human resources and payroll systems, as well as synchronization with the replaceable solution.

In addition, standard solutions for adapting to historical processes have been jointly improved: the functionality for automating internal logistics has been expanded, assortment planning has been improved, product subordering has been implemented and the inventory management process has been improved.

The integration of solutions within the IT loop has also been redesigned. If earlier it was a standard exchange from 1C through data conversion, then the K2Tex developers added a message broker based on MQ Rabbit to the updated system. The solution made it possible to optimize the data transfer rate and strengthen the integration interaction between the company's systems.

Accounting systems, marketplaces, and the company's online store were also integrated into the IT loop. The transfer to the new base of all points of sale will go gradually - now their systems are configured to interact with the UT-11 and are waiting for their turn of update. Three stores were transferred to this version in pilot, the connection of the rest will take place gradually by the Zolla team. K2Tekh also optimized the processes of collecting data inside stores. The introduction of an unordered warehouse with targeted storage made it easier to work.

As of April 2024, we have completed all work to update Zolla's historic trading management system. It is synchronized with all store databases, some of which have already been piloted to the latest version. Others are waiting for their turn. We carried out all the work in one team - in no other way when you work with a large volume of integrations. Such coherence made it possible to complete the project quickly and efficiently, - said the project manager at Zolla Lilia Bovkun.

The implementation of this system in Zolla stores was a difficult task, requiring careful analysis and a competent approach. Store information bases were connected to the central system and promptly synchronized data, so it was impossible to simply replace the central system asynchronously with the store base. Differences in data structures and configurations represented a challenge to a successful transition. However, the need to ensure continuity of IT processes during changes prompted us to decide to organize operational synchronization between the new and old systems. This approach made it possible to preserve the integration flows of information in stores that have not yet switched to the new system, bypassing significant changes, "said Yuri Silantyev, head of 1C K2TEX practice.