Customers: Surgutneftegas Contractors: Software AG Russia and CIS countries (Softvear AG) Product: ARISProject date: 2010/04
The oil company addressed the process approach at implementation of information systems as it was required to eliminate a methodological gap in a binding of business challenges to IT solutions. Or, as still speak in the West, to harmonize IT strategy with requirements of business. Many large western companies already implemented at themselves such projects which, as a rule, lead to significant economy of costs for IT and increase in efficiency.
The IT department of Surgutneftegas attracted Software AG & IDS Scheer company which, as well as in the projects executed by it for the western companies, suggested to use all necessary for harmonization of IT and business tools to project implementation: implement methodology of the description of business processes, define approaches to their improvement and as an organizational element of support of process management in the company to create Process office. One more task within the project – implementation of methodology of documentation and management of the enterprise architecture including domains business and IT architecture. Need of such complex modeling of an enterprise architecture is connected with the fact that the corporate IT architecture should be aimed at support and improvement of business processes of the company.
All these problems were solved with the help of different products of the ARIS platform: Business Architect – for the description of business processes; Business IT Architect – for the description and management of an enterprise architecture; Business Optimizer and Business Simulator – for the analysis and improvement of business processes; Business Publisher – for the web publication of all information on business processes.
In the company the Process office which main efforts are directed to support of all project and methodological groups of company (PMG) which define portfolios of IT projects within the directions (drilling, production, processing, transport, power supply, capital construction, etc.) is created, participate in project works, supervise development and deployment of IT solutions.
As a result formation of requirements to IT solutions is executed on the basis of results of the complex analysis of business processes now that allows to define more precisely a project framework, to obtain the complete information about participants, document flow and also to perform business process optimization. The process office not only supports PMG, but also itself takes part in the solution of the most important and difficult business challenges.
One more new organization structure – the Center of Corporate Architecture (CCA). It is, in essence, council of leading specialists of the company who define ways of development of the unified information system of the enterprise.
In the oil company the system of process controlling based on the product ARIS Process Performance Manager (PPM) is also created (for pilot business process). It is intended for monitoring, control and the analysis of process "Construction of wells of a bush" at stages of preparatory work and drillings - key for Surgutneftegas. For the analysis of process different process performance indicators are used: temporary (such as duration of construction of the well), cost (such as passing meter cost on the well), volume and quantitative indices on drilling, organizational. For recovery using ARIS PPM of real business process transaction data from the information systems SAP R\3 and ALPHA operated in Surgutneftegas were used. As a result all process of drilling became transparent (by on certain wells, crews, etc.).
"We created a basis for effective interaction with business divisions with which we can speak one language now – language of business processes, – the head of department of information technologies of JSC Surgutneftegas Gimranov Rinat emphasizes. – Due to involvement of business in works on business process modeling and formation of requirements to IT solutions the number of users of a system of modeling of processes increased several times. Exactly thanks to implementation of the process approach to design of IT solutions and creation of the uniform IC the efficiency of joint work of IT and business significantly grew".
"Readiness and susceptibility of Surgutneftegas for innovations is worthy every possible respect and deserves imitation. The company of the first in Russia adopted methodology and tools for management of an enterprise architecture (EA), - the CEO of Software AG & IDS Scheer in Russia and the CIS countries Kamennova Maria notes. – In general, this project distinguishes complex approach to solving of tasks of the client. Implementation of process methodology and the software tools supporting it created a big backlog for the subsequent independent work of staff of Surgutneftegas on the process focused implementation of information systems, improvement of business processes and IT architecture of the company".