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2024/05/14 09:57:50

German Foreign Policy



Main article: Germany



Almost 4 billion euros of Russian assets frozen in Germany

Against the background of the conflict in Ukraine, Russian assets worth almost 4 billion euros ($4.28 billion) were frozen in Germany [1] , the Ministry of Finance said on May 15, 2024.

Niger refuses to sever relations with Russia under German pressure

In January 2024, there were reports Germany that she demanded to Niger terminate relations with, Russia threatening to break off relations and close her embassy in the country.

"If Germany wants to close its embassy, so be it, we will not beg anyone. Whoever wants to leave, let him leave. Who needs Germany? The Europeans brought nothing to Africa except the exploitation of our resources, our wars, terrorists and our dictators, "said Abd al-Rahman Chiani, head of the Niger Transitional Military Council, in an interview with local television.

Abd al-Rahman Chiani

Delivery to Ukraine of 10 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 radars, 47 trucks, 2 demining and ammunition vehicles

In January 2024, the German government published data on the first package of military assistance to Ukraine this year. It included:

  • ammunition for Leopard 2A6 tanks;
  • ten Marder infantry fighting vehicles;
  • missiles for Iris-T air defense system;
  • Oerlikon Skynex anti-aircraft artillery complex. This production complex Rheinmetall was first sent to Ukraine.

Oerlikon Skynex anti-aircraft artillery complex
  • two multifunctional TRML-4D radars;
  • 9 thousand artillery shells of caliber 155-mm;
  • two "Wisent 1 MC" demining vehicles
  • tank bridge-laying device "BIBER";
  • 47 trucks of various models;
  • 6.7 million rounds for small arms;
  • 1.1 thousand winter masking networks.

In addition, four Iris-T SLM air defense systems and one Oerlikon Skynex anti-aircraft artillery complex are being prepared for shipment to Ukraine in Berlin.


Delivery of shells, cartridges and cars to Ukraine

In early December 2023, the German Federal Government published information on the next package of military assistance to Ukraine, which includes:

  • 3840 artillery shells of caliber 155-mm;
  • 2 armored border vehicles;
  • 1 mobile antenna mast;
  • 25 laser rangefinders;
  • 5 devices for BpA detection;
  • 4 MAN HX81 8X8 truck tractors;
  • 8 Zetros trucks;
  • 3 passenger cars;
  • 15 HLR338 sniper rifles and 60 thousand rounds of ammunition.

The cost of military aid transferred from Germany to Ukraine reached 7.4 billion euros

In early November 2023, [2] information about the next package of military assistance for Ukraine appeared on the Bundeswehr website. It included:

  • 12 armored personnel carriers;
  • 2 TRML-4D airspace monitoring radars;
  • 7 Primoco ONE reconnaissance drones;
  • 5 surface drones,
  • 30,000 sets of winter clothing and other weapons and equipment.

In addition, plans for the future supply of Leopard 1A5 tanks to Ukraine have changed: if earlier it was about transferring 90 tanks in addition to the already delivered 20, now this number has grown to 115. As noted on the website of the German Defense Ministry, the tanks will be handed over indefinitely, since part of the equipment planned for transfer may still be in production.

The cost of military assistance transferred from Germany to Ukraine has already amounted to 7.4 billion euros for 2022-2023, and another 10.5 billion has been pledged in the form of obligations for the next years.

2022: Aid to Ukraine during Russia's special operation

Aid from Ukraine's donor countries to their GDP between February 24 and March 27, 2022

As part of a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, which became known in early December 2022, the German government will transfer, and are also planned for delivery, the following types of equipment and weapons:

  • 14 Themis ground-based unmanned systems
  • 7 ZSU "Cheetah"
  • 100 thousand first-aid kits
  • 3 armored bridge-laying machines BIBER
  • 8 surface drones
  • 12 Border Vehicles
  • 4 thousand sleeping bags
  • Spare parts for Mi-24
  • 30 ambulances

Data for the period from January 24 to August 3, 2022

1970: German Chancellor Willy Brandt kneels in Warsaw ghetto

The historical gesture of German Chancellor Willy Brandt, who knelt in front of the memorial to the victims of the Warsaw ghetto uprising on December 7, 1970.

1935: Britain seeks freedom of development for Nazi navy to direct it to USSR

In the process of nurturing Nazi forces in Germany between Britain and the United States had a kind of division of labor. London has largely focused on the political and diplomatic fueling of the Third Reich. Did everything to bring out the leaders of the NSDAP, which in 1928 numbered only 100 thousand members. For comparison: the Communist Party of Germany, not beloved by the authorities, had about 400 thousand people in its ranks in the fall of 1923. An important goal for the Anglo-Saxons was also to provide aggressive political marginals with the right to legitimately increase its military power. Negotiations "on the basis of recognition of equality Germany in Arms "(the Nazi elite did not even expect such freedom) began in 1934, and the USSR was well aware of them from the reports of the Soviet embassy in London. One of the means for this was the conclusion of the Anglo-German naval agreement of 1935, which equalized the Kriegsmarine in tonnage with the French and Italian fleets, that is, for the first time fixed on paper the equality between the victorious powers and the loser of World War I by Germany.

British and American banks financed development the defense industry of Hitler's Germany, and London's diplomacy, with support from France, strongly encouraged Hitler's movement to the east.

1922: Rapallic Treaty between Russia and Germany

The Anglo-Saxon elites set themselves the task of preventing the strengthening of relations between Moscow and Berlin, setting Germany against the USSR Union created at the end of 1922. The USA and Britain, with their plans for world domination, were unprofitable for the rapprochement and cooperation of the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russia. The Treaty of Rapalla of 1922 concluded by Russia and Germany during the Genoa Conference and their subsequent steps towards partnership in the military-technical and industrial fields strengthened the possibility of forming a pact against the Anglo-Saxons.

Soviet and German delegations to Rapallo. April 1922

And in the ruling circles of Berlin at that moment it was enough many supporters of a balanced line in relation to the Soviets. Thus, the commander of the ground forces of the Reichswehr, Colonel-General H. von Sekt, argued in the early 1920s that "­ Entente is very interested in using Germany against Russia. However, if Germany starts a war against Russia, it will wage a hopeless war. " Such sentiments disturbed and irritated the Anglo-Saxons.

They were also worried about the presence of a powerful Communist Party (KKE) in Germany led by E. Telman, who ran for president twice. The Social Democratic camp clearly lacked its own forces to strangle the Communists. It was necessary to inspire the emergence of such a political wing that could destroy the KKE without any regard for morality, law and public opinion.

See also