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Visary Cloud

Developers: Business Automatization SPC
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/05/15
Technology: PaaS - Platform As A Service - Business Platform as a Service,  SaaS - Software as a Service

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2024: Visary Cloud Platform Introduction.

The company SPC "BusinessAutomation" on May 15, 2024 announced the release of the Visary Cloud cloud platform.

source = BusinessAutomation

According to the developers, Visary Cloud is a solution that is a comprehensive cloud system for business management. The system combines the company's advanced developments in SaaS (Software as a Service), providing users with a complete set of tools for automating business processes.

Among the features of the Visary Cloud platform:

  • Integrated platform: All necessary services and tools are combined in one ecosystem.
  • Scalability: From small to large businesses, Visary Cloud easily adapts to the needs of various enterprises.
  • Data Security: Secure information at the highest level with advanced encryption technologies.

Flexible charging: Various tariff packages are offered that are suitable for both small startups and SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses) and large corporations or government agencies.

Fast integration and ease of implementation: The platform can be integrated into the company's workflow in parallel with current activities, without risking business process continuity and stability.

Visary Cloud is planned to include:

According to the SPC "BusinessAutomation," Visary Cloud will be relevant for any area of ​ ​ activity: from startups to large corporations, from design-oriented teams to traditional production. The platform will be especially useful for those who seek to optimize their work through process automation and increased staff efficiency.