Customers: Space communication of the Russian Satellite Communications Company
Contractors: EpicRus Product: ERA FinancialsProject date: 2006/06
The EpicRus company completed the project of transfer of Space communication state company, Russian national operator of satellite communication, on a new ERP system. The solution Epicor Platinum SQL used since 1999 was replaced with the product ERA Financials representing new generation in a line of financial and managerial products from Epicor. During the project migration of historical data in a new system and also setup of functionality ERA Financials under the existing business model was executed. Also process optimization of formation of the operational and management reporting of the company was performed. According to vendor data a new ERP system contains additional resources for operation analysis and planning, tools for report settings, supports accounting and maintaining agreements with their hierarchical representation, allows to generate automatically documents on the basis of agreements.