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Iskra Technologies: SP5000 MKA Housing and Utilities Monitoring and Control Service for the Elimination of Accidents and Incidents in the Housing and Utilities Sector

Developers: Spark Technology
Branches: Housing and communal services, service and household services
Technology: APM - Asset Performance Management

SP5000 MKA Housing and Utilities "Service for Monitoring and Control of Elimination of Accidents and Incidents in the Housing and Utilities Sector" is designed to provide specialized structures/divisions of executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of municipalities with prompt complete and reliable information on emerging accidents and incidents in the housing and utilities sector, planned and implemented measures for their elimination and prevention, for planning and accounting of the heating season, as well as for the transfer of reliable information to the federal segment "System of MKA Housing and Communal Services."

2024: Compatible with Postgres Pro Enterprise and Postgres Pro Standard versions 13, 14, 15

Postgres Professional, the developer of the Russian DBMS Postgres Pro, and Iskra Technologiya JSC on May 17, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products.

The certificate issued by Postgres Professional confirms the correct work of Postgres Pro Enterprise (versions 13, 14, 15), Postgres Pro Standard (versions 13, 14, 15), Postgres Pro Certified (versions 14, 15) and the Software Complex "Safe City OS5000," Software Complex "Safe City OS5000" version 2.0 and SP5000 MKA Housing and Communal Services "Service Monitoring and control of the elimination of accidents and incidents in the housing and utilities sector." Read more here.