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2024: Localized UEM solutions for the Russian market

Scalefusion Company, supplier ON for enterprise device management, May 23, 2024 announced full localization its solutions for the Russian market.

Scalefusion solutions help customers from a variety of [industry 'industries]] around the world Manage and secure enterprise devices.

Scalefusion Dashboard allows you to protect and configure devices belonging to customers and their employees, deploy security policies, install and update applications, publish content, track device geoposition, remotely manage them to troubleshooting, and more. The panel also gives access to additional features, such as the OneId software package for managing user identification and authentication; AirThink AI code writing tool. All of this is now available on Scalefusion also offers free chat tech support with solutions for AI-based text translation. Customers can communicate with by the operator and receive answers in real time in Russian.

We see an ever-growing demand for UEM solutions in the Russian market. Moreover, in companies of various scale, device management models and industries: this is retail, logistics, and industry. According to experts, by 2025 the penetration rate of corporate mobility management systems in Russia will reach 90%. There is a traditional bias towards the BYOD model on the Russian market, but we also see that the number of customers who plan to expand the fleet of their own devices is growing. Our goal is to make UEM tools as convenient as possible for Russian customers. That is why we invest in localization and offer support for the Russian language by default, "said Swapnil Shete, vice president of marketing at Scalefusion.