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Sinterra Media transfers the national media network to Russian equipment

Customers: Sinterra Media

Moscow; Media, Television and Radio Broadcasting

Contractors: Stream Labs
Product: Stream Labs: Agat Media Content Delivery Solution

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/04

2024: Transition to Russian equipment

Sinterra Media is transferring the National Media Network to Russian equipment. Acceptance tests of the domestic adaptation equipment "Agat" for the transmission of professional TV signals over IP networks have been completed. Synterra Media announced this on May 23, 2024.

source = Sinterra Media

Agat is a fully Russian media content delivery solution developed by Stream Labs in partnership with Synterra Media. The equipment is based on FPGA - programmable logic integrated circuit (programmable logic device, FPGA). Unlike software and hardware systems (PAKs), FPGA-based equipment has higher performance and increased reliability.

The developed solution is the main element of the Synterra Media national media network for broadcasting important network, public and regional events of the country live on federal television channels. The equipment will also be used to deliver television programs to the networks of TV operators in the regions and inter-studio exchange of TV programs from countries. Agat improves network reliability by supporting the SMPTE 2022/7 standard and reduces delays in delivering TV streams using the JPEG-XS codec.

We are actively cooperating with additional developers as part of the creation of a national technological media platform for TV production, and Agat is only the first swallow. The introduction of these solutions into the Sinterra Media National Media Network is a serious step towards the technological sovereignty of the media industry, "said Grigory Uryev, General Director of Sinterra Media.

This solution is a universal platform configured for various tasks: production of programs on a remote opportunity, delivery of programs to distributors, media transport for non-standard tasks, as well as this switching center for content delivery operators, - said Maxim Iskornev, head of hardware product development at Stream Labs.