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1S-KSU has built an integration spatial GIS of property management for Severneftegazprom

Customers: Severneftegazprom

Gas industry

Contractors: 1C-KSU
Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. GIS Spatial Data Management

Project date: 2023/01  - 2024/01
Number of licenses: 20

2024: Building an integration spatial GIS of property management

The company 1C-KSU"" on June 3, 2024 shared TAdviser with information about the project for the creation and implementation of an integration spatial geo-information system for property management in OJSC Severneftegazprom"."

As reported, the main purpose of the creation of the Unified Integration Spatial Geoinformation Automated Property Management System (SUIM) is geoinformation support for the work of structural units involved in the management, development and support of the property management activities of OJSC Severneftegazprom on the basis of modern technologies for integrating and visualizing data and business processes of the Customer, including:

  • Create and maintain a GIS platform that provides geospatial data and integrates geographic data with other types of materials
  • creation and maintenance of the Unified Geospatial Information Bank (GDBI);
  • development of software systems (modules) for conducting situational analysis and modeling, including using a single topographic and geodetic substructure.

Functional and technical architecture of 1C SUIM in OJSC Severneftegazprom

Before the start of the project, SNGP OJSC did not have a unified method of property management. Automation and optimization business processes of management were required: property optimization of efficiency and transparency of work on the ground, as well as optimization of the speed of management decision-making due to visual visualization and display on the map of various objects of property accounting and their indicators.

At the stage of the survey, key problems were identified:

  • data were stored in different systems: on paper, EDMS (DO 2.1), Excel tables, 1C: Document Flow and 1C:ERP Enterprise Management;
  • Settlement of lease payments and transfer of settlement data to Enterprise 1CERP Management is not automated;
  • double and sometimes triple input of information;
  • for each object of property it was not possible to quickly collect the necessary information - title, cadastral, technical, accounting; See the location of the object in the map, constraints, and object relationships promptly track the history of their life cycle (commissioning, reconstruction/modernization, decommissioning).

As of May 2024, the gas field of the Yuzhno-Russkoye field, in terms of technological and engineering solutions used, is one of the most advanced in Russia. Severneftegazprom's production facilities are characterized by the degree of automation of all processes and the equipment of modern equipment.

As a result of the creation and implementation of an integration spatial geo-information system for property management in OJSC Severneftegazprom, all operations began to be carried out in a single information system - SUIM, which reduced labor costs and optimized the reliability of information.

Within the framework of the project, integration with related information systems and loading of data from electronic passports of BTI are implemented.

Solution "1C:Enterprise 8. GIS Spatial Data Management, "which is a mapping system for displaying stored objects on a map, has been modified by the following subsystems:

  • a subsystem for maintaining a register of property objects;
  • contract subsystem;
  • rental payment calculation subsystem.

The project team managed to automate the calculation of planned lease payments without leaving the system, taking into account the specifics and conditions of contracts, including the features of land plots leased (forests, swamps, etc.), the features of federal and regional legislation in terms of calculating tariffs, accounting for inflation and various correction factors.

Implementation of an integration spatial geo-information system for property management in Severneftegazprom OJSC based on 1C:Enterprise 8 product. GIS Spatial Data Management "reduced labor costs and improved the reliability of information. Due to visual visualization, the time for making management decisions has been reduced.

told Roman Shvaykin, Head of the Information and Management Systems Service of OJSC Severneftegazprom

Project results:

  • Manual labor is minimized, due to the exclusion of double input - all operations are entered into a single information system.
  • The time for searching for the required information on real estate objects, including by visualizing spatial data on property objects, has decreased significantly.
  • The labor costs of calculating rental payments have been reduced by an order of magnitude.
  • Data related to real estate objects were consolidated in a single information space.
  • The reliability of information has been optimized and the risk of errors has been reduced.
  • Operational updating of data on property objects according to Rosreestr has been implemented.
  • The quality of management is optimized due to the efficiency of obtaining information for decision-making and increasing the reliability of information.
  • The paper document flow has been reduced.
  • Visual and operational control of key indicators for contractual obligations was implemented with reference to geo-objects on the map.

Reduce the labor required to perform operations in numbers:

  • 42% - information input;
  • 98% - search for information;
  • 96% - report generation.

Fully import-substituted infrastructure has been deployed.