Customers: Federal Bailiff Service across Altai Krai Barnaul; Government and social institutions Contractors: Electronic Office Systems (EOS) Product: Personnel (EOS Group)Project date: 2006/06
Number of licenses: 8
In Head department of Federal Bailiff Service across Altai Krai the automated system of personnel records will be implemented. HR records and document flow will be conducted in the system Frames Enterprise developed by Electronic Office Systems company. The choice of a system was influenced by the system implementation of electronic document management performed at the end of 2005 "Case Enterprise" of the same developer. According to the customer functional characteristics of the selected system completely meet requirements of the state organizations, and a system has a number of technology advantages in comparison with applied earlier. The cost of the software product Frames Enterprise and its annual maintenance satisfies to budget restriction and it is easily integrated with already implemented electronic document management system of the organization that will allow to reduce costs for technical support. The public contract is signed with the Corporate systems company which is the regional representative of EOS Group company in Altai Krai. Within the agreement licenses for 8 jobs will be purchased, the contractor bydt tuning of a product, data transfer from legacy system of personnel records and also commissioning is performed.