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2024/06/08 16:19:40


2023: The number of diseases due to poor-quality food in Russia over 10 years decreased by 34.5%

The number of diseases caused by low-quality food products in Russia in 2023 decreased by 34.5% compared to 10 children ago. This is evidenced by the data of Rospotrebnadzor, published in June 2024.

In 2023, more than 1.7 million samples of domestic and imported food products were taken and studied. The results of the studies showed that since 2014 there has been a decrease in the share of food samples that do not meet the requirements for sanitary and chemical (from 0.64% to 0.41%), microbiological (from 4.36% to 3.25%), physical and chemical indicators (from 4.55% to 2.96%).

The number of diseases caused by poor-quality food products in Russia in 2023 decreased by 34.5% compared to 10 children ago

According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor, the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia Anna Popova, ensuring the safety and quality of food is one of the priority tasks of the department:

The issue of food quality is relevant today. Since 2003, mandatory compliance with product safety requirements has been enshrined in technical regulations in Russia. An important milestone in improving the regulatory framework was the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law "On the Quality and Safety of Food Products."

As Popova noted, within the framework of the Demography national project, since 2019, the federal project "Strengthening public health" has been implemented in terms of healthy eating. During this period, 29 laboratory centers of Rospotrebnadzor were re-equipped, 184 research methods were introduced, which made it possible to increase the number of tested quality indicators by 30% - from 87 to 117.

According to the ministry, from 2019 to 2022, an assessment of the nutrition of students in 5562 educational organizations was carried out, a survey of 92.9 thousand schoolchildren and their parents in 65 regions of Russia. Experts analyzed what products and to what extent Russians consume, as well as how much their diet corresponds to the principles of healthy eating.

Based on expert data, recommendations for the correction of diets, regional programs for the prevention of health disorders, educational programs on healthy eating are being developed. As emphasized in Rospotrebnadzor, these measures, together with the introduction of modern control methods, led to a significant decrease in the incidence associated with poor-quality nutrition.[1]
