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Gubaev Nail Ildarovich




2024: Sentence - 8 years in prison for fraud

The Gagarinsky court of Moscow sentenced the former investment director of Rusnano Nail Gubaev to eight years in a general regime colony for fraud on an especially large scale. The court also ordered him to pay a fine of 900 thousand rubles and compensate for damage in the amount of more than 179 million rubles in favor of the injured party - ElVIS-NeoTech JSC. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow courts on June 5, 2024.

The investigation established that Nail Gubaev, being the investment director of Rusnano and overseeing the activities of ElVIS-NeoTech JSC, received cash recovered by court order in the amount of almost 180 million rubles and appropriated them. This crime was qualified under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on an especially large scale).

source = Rusnano
Nail Gubaev sentenced to 8 years in prison

According to the press service of the Moscow courts, ElVIS-NeoTech JSC won the lawsuit against the Spanish company, but instead of the legal distribution of funds, Gubaev took advantage of his official position and appropriated the money. The indictment against Gubaev was approved in December 2023.

After Anatoly Chubais left Rusnano in 2020, Gubaev became the general director of NeoTek LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of ElVIS-NeoTech. The new head of Rusnano, Sergei Kulikov, in 2022 appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to conduct an audit of the company's activities during the period when it was headed by Chubais. According to the Kremlin, serious financial irregularities were found in the reports of Rusnano.

In 2022, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case on fraud against Gubaev and other unidentified persons. Nail Gubaev was detained and placed in custody on September 1, 2022. The trial ended with a conviction, according to which Gubaev must spend eight years in a general regime correctional colony.[1]
