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ProQuantum: Quantum Key Distribution System

Developers: ProKwanT
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2024
Branches: Information security

2024: Production start-up

Tomsk company "ProQuantum" launched the first stage of production of software and hardware complexes of quantum key distribution - information security tools. The opening ceremony took place at the end of May 2024, the press service of the company reports.

The new research and production complex, located on the territory of the Special Economic Zone "SEZ" in Tomsk, is designed to organize experimental and small-scale production of hardware platforms - the basis of software and hardware complexes of information protection tools "PAC SZI," primarily quantum key distribution complexes. As noted by the general director of ProQuantum Anton Yudin, production will facilitate the transition to the development of hardware platforms based on the domestic element base.

"ProQuantum" launched the first stage of production of software and hardware complexes of quantum key distribution

According to Yudin, the capacity of the first stage of production will be 1 thousand products per year. Currently, the construction of the production building has been completed, and the commissioning of the equipment will begin in early June 2024. The second phase, which includes the administrative building, will be completed in 2025. The total area of ​ ​ the research and production complex will be about 9 thousand square meters. m.

According to the general director, the launch of the production of software and hardware complexes for quantum key distribution will provide Russian state structures and corporations with reliable means of protecting information. Unlike classical data transmission using bits, quantum transmission involves encrypting information into quantum states, or qubits, which significantly increases the level of security.

Yudin noted that the implementation of the ProQuantum project will contribute to the development of domestic technologies of quantum cryptography and strengthen the information security of Russia. In addition, the creation of a new production will allow attracting technical specialists to the region - engineers, developers, analysts - and create more than 300 workplaces[1]
