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"" helps DIY Service improve operational processes with the cloud

Customers: DIY Service

Moscow; Advertising, PR and Marketing

Product: Regional region

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Using the Cloud helps DIY Service improve operational processes with the cloud. This was announced by on June 11, 2024.

Through placement in cloud CRM-systems used to operate two key divisions of DIY Service - Operations and Sourcing - business processes the cost of is accelerated and optimized. IT infrastructure

DIY Service is an agency operating since 2009 in the DIY and FMCG market, as well as in the field of trade marketing. The company specializes in the selection and management of field personnel, personnel in retail chains, sales outsourcing, design and production of trading equipment, POSM production, development and launch of motivation programs.

In the cloud, DIY Service places a key CRM system for business - a solution developed from scratch that helps automate the selection and transfer of candidates for vacancies to the operations department. For such an application, the response rate of the infrastructure is important. The CRM system is based on a large base, which also tends to grow. Given the high workloads and significant costs of its own IT, DIY Service management chooses the public cloud as an economically viable resource consumption model. According to the client, using a local server would cost at least 70% more than the cloud.

There are two areas in the structure of the company - mass and point selection of candidates. Each of them has its own nuances, and both require speed, quality and accounting for the specifics of the client. In such a situation, there should be no "weak links," including infrastructure, so we have chosen as a partner in which we are fully confident, "said Ksenia Shakhovskaya, operating manager of DIY Service.

To support the high speed of the DIY Service application in the cloud, an infrastructure based on servers with powerful processors is used. It is suitable for all loads, including 1C. The service already includes: networks with a bandwidth of 170Gbps, protection against DDoS attacks at the network levels of the L3/L4, access to the API to automate processes. The hourly pay of consumed resources allows you to clearly control costs. DIY Service also uses the cloud database replication function, which is an additional insurance in unforeseen situations.

Several types of servers are Рег.ру available in the cloud, so any client will be able to choose the right configuration for themselves depending on the IT budget and the requirements for the hosted services. The high-frequency tariff with processors up to 5 GHz is in demand mainly by customers for whom the high speed of cloud applications directly affects profit making, "said Andrey Fedorov, product manager at Cloud Platform