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Axioma-Soft automated HR accounting and payroll processes at Home Bank

Customers: Home Bank (formerly Home Credit Bank)

Contractors: Axioma-Soft
Product: 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 KORP

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/05

2024: Transition to "1C: KOP Salary and Personnel Management"

Axioma-Soft"" translated the processes of personnel accounting and calculation wages from imported software to domestic analogue "" to "" 1C: Payroll and HR ManagementHome Bank at the launch of a new branch of the company. The implementation of the project took 4 months. 20 automated workplaces were created. This was announced Axioma-Soft on June 11, 2024.

The project team was tasked with launching a new branch of the bank, automating personnel accounting processes and payroll on the domestic software product. The criteria for choosing the program were: support for the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the possibility of keeping records of personnel in accordance with the industry specifics of the business. So, for the implementation of the project, Russian software was used - "1C: Payroll and HR Management of KORP." However, the functionality of the standard solution was not enough to successfully solve all the tasks of the project. For this reason, during the project, an industry software solution was also introduced for credit institutions of the domestic developer - "Axiom: Salary and personnel management of banks. Supplement to 1C: Payroll and HR Management. "

The project consisted of three stages, as a result of which the implemented functionality was tested. At the first stage, the functionality for personnel accounting and payroll was finalized and configured. At the second stage, the functionality of the implemented system for vacation reserves and severance pay for credit institutions was developed and configured. At the third stage, the project team specialists set up an integration mechanism with the service for managing the data of CIF clients.

Thanks to the use of the Axiom: Salary and Personnel Management of Banks program, it was possible to take into account the industry specifics of the business. Thus, they automated the formation of accounting entries for the types of transactions, accounting for short-term and long-term liabilities of insurance premiums. Accounting for advances on short-term liabilities and accounting for accrual registration transactions against previously recorded liabilities were also implemented. In addition, they implemented data uploading to the Automated Banking System (ABS) in text format, and also automated the transfer of short-term obligations to long-term obligations and vice versa.

Thus, the key goal of the project was achieved - the new branch of Home Bank was launched on the domestic software products 1S:ZUP KORP and AXIOMA: Salaries and Personnel Management of Banks. Supplement to 1C: Payroll and HR Management. " Thanks to this combination, combining the industry functionality for credit institutions and the typical functionality of 1S:ZUP KORP, it was possible to create an effective information system that has all the capabilities of the previously used foreign developer system.

A feature of the project was the implementation of unique mechanisms for uploading data on salary accounts using the encoded code word of the client. We also implemented our own model of working with personnel document barcodes, adapted the functionality of the application for credit institutions to meet the requirements of the company, "commented Stafa Livinski, Project Manager at Home Bank.