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The project of personal data protection in NPF Metallurgov is complete

Customers: NPF Metallurgov


Contractors: Pointlane
Product: Complex projects on information security

Project date: 2010/11

The system integrator in information security field of "Pointlane" completed the project on preparation for personal data protection in "National Non-state Fund of Pension and Social Security of Metallurgists" non-state pension fund. NPF Metallurgov is one of the first non-profit organizations of social security in Russia. The history of the pension fund originates in 1994.

Founders of fund are the large metallurgical companies of Russia. Control of founders is exercised of EvrazHolding company. At the moment the number of investors of fund is about 120,000 people. NPF Metallurgov has the developed network of the separate divisions in Russia servicing investors and fund participants. These factors imposed high requirements to providers of services in personal data protection. Besides, experience of implementation of requirements of FZ-152 and also understanding of the business processes inherent to the pension funds was the compulsory provision.

The Pointlane company was selected from quality of service provider as completely conforms to all imposed requirements and also has extensive work experience in the field of personal data protection not only in the pension funds, but also in the large international companies.

Within the project on personal data protection all preparatory complex of works which included was implemented:

  • Comprehensive examination of an information system of NPF;
  • The detailed analysis and design including development and implementation of offers on optimization of infrastructure;
  • Writing of private model of threats and classification ISPDN;
  • Development of technical specifications on creation SZPDN;
  • Creation of organizational and administrative documents.

The held events allow to start implementation SZPDN and to fulfill all requirements of the Russian legislation till January 1, 2011.

This project once again demonstrates that the Pointlane company is a reliable partner, interested in strong cooperation, strictly adhering to the principle of the mutually advantageous transaction.

"We are very happy with effective cooperation with Pointlane company. Consultants could prove the cost and structure of the project, having provided transparency and understanding of processes of work on providing requirements 152-FZ. The reasonable and objective price was an important factor for us that profitable distinguishes Pointlane company, – Salomatov Andrey, the head of IT department of NPF Metallurgov comments – consultants of "Pointlane" successfully implemented everything the tasks facing them".

"At the moment non-state pension funds activated the efforts in reduction of the activity according to the law about personal data protection. Forces of our consultants already implemented several projects in NPF, also from several NPFs we are in process of work, - Lebedev Vladimir Vladimirovich says, the commercial director of Pointlane company – [the management of NPF Metallurgov does not stand still and shows high responsibility to investors, realizing importance of ensuring confidentiality of their personal data]".

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